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icon Rev of R4-2218521 Draft CR for TS 38.101-3 (2 bands).docx 2022/11/14 15:00 178,8 KB
icon Rev of R4-2218522 Draft CR for TS 38.101-3 (3 bands).docx 2022/11/14 15:01 546,8 KB
icon Rev of R4-2218523 Draft CR for TS 38.101-3 (4 and 5 bands).docx 2022/11/14 15:01 248,7 KB
icon Rev of R4-2218524 TP for TR 37.718-21-11 DC_1A-5A_n40A.docx 2022/11/11 10:47 58,7 KB
icon Rev R4-2218916 Draft CR 38.101-3 to add DC_1A-3A-7C-26A_n78(2A) and fallbacks.docx 2022/11/11 14:16 256,3 KB
icon Rev R4-2218920 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_3-8-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/10 13:52 73,8 KB
icon Rev R4-2218921 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_3-20-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/10 13:52 73,6 KB
icon Rev R4-2218922 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_3-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/10 13:52 72,2 KB
icon Rev R4-2218923 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_8-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/10 13:52 71,7 KB
icon Rev R4-2218924 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_20-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/10 13:52 71,5 KB
icon Rev-R4-2218282 draftCR to 38.101-3 Addition of DC_40A_n40A.docx 2022/11/11 11:49 126,4 KB
icon Rev-R4-2219101 TP to TR 37.718-11-11 Addition of DC_8_n38.docx 2022/11/11 8:34 48,3 KB
icon Rev-R4-2219103 TP to TR 37.718-11-21 Addition of DC_8_n38-n40.docx 2022/11/11 8:38 57,3 KB
icon Rev2 of R4-2218521 Draft CR for TS 38.101-3 (2 bands).docx 2022/11/14 16:22 178,6 KB
icon Rev2 R4-2218920 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_3-8-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/11 8:04 73,9 KB
icon Rev2 R4-2218921 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_3-20-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/11 8:04 73,6 KB
icon Rev2 R4-2218922 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_3-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/11 14:16 72,4 KB
icon Rev2 R4-2218923 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_8-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/11 8:04 71,8 KB
icon Rev2 R4-2218924 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_20-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/11 8:04 71,6 KB
icon Rev2-R4-2219101 TP to TR 37.718-11-11 Addition of DC_8_n38.docx 2022/11/11 11:49 51,5 KB
icon Rev2-R4-2219103 TP to TR 37.718-11-21 Addition of DC_8_n38-n40.docx 2022/11/11 11:49 59,3 KB
icon Rev3 of R4-2218521 Draft CR for TS 38.101-3 (2 bands).docx 2022/11/15 8:19 178,6 KB
icon Rev3 R4-2218920 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_3-8-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/11 14:16 74,1 KB
icon Rev3 R4-2218921 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 to include DC_3-20-41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/11 14:16 73,7 KB
icon Rev3-R4-2219103 TP to TR 37.718-11-21 Addition of DC_8_n38-n40.docx 2022/11/11 19:49 56,4 KB
icon Revised R4-2219895_draft CR to TS38.101-3 DC_(n)3AA-n8A-n77A, DC_(n)3AA-n8A-n77(2A).docx 2022/11/14 16:34 222,9 KB
icon Revised R4-2219897 draft CR to TS38.101-3 DC_(n)3AA-n8A-n77A-n257AGHIJKLM, DC_(n)3AA-n8A-n77(2A)-n257AGHIJKLM.docx 2022/11/14 16:34 116,1 KB
icon Revised R4-2219898 Draft CR to TS38.101-3 DC_(n)3AA-n8A-n257AGHIJKLM.docx 2022/11/14 16:34 128,9 KB
icon Revised R4-2219903 Draft CR to TS38.101-3 DC_(n)3AA-n77A-n257AJHIJKLM, DC_(n)3AA-n77(2A)-n257A.docx 2022/11/14 16:34 129 KB
icon Revised R4-2219904 Draft CR to TS38.101-3 DC_(n)3AA-n257AJHIJKLM.docx 2022/11/14 16:34 134,7 KB
icon revision 2 of R4-2218957 TP for 37.718-11-11 to include DC_28_n38.docx 2022/11/10 17:46 79,2 KB
icon revision 3 of R4-2218957 TP for 37.718-11-11 to include DC_28_n38.docx 2022/11/14 11:25 76,4 KB
icon revision 4 of R4-2218957 TP for 37.718-11-11 to include DC_28_n38.docx 2022/11/14 12:09 76,4 KB
icon Revision of R4-2219420.doc 2022/11/15 7:13 175,5 KB
icon revision of R4-2218957 TP for 37.718-11-11 to include DC_28_n38.docx 2022/11/10 13:08 77,5 KB
icon revision of R4-2218961 TP for 37.718-11-21 to include DC_41_n1-n78.docx 2022/11/10 13:12 93,4 KB
icon revision of R4-2218965 draft CR 38.101-3 to include new EN-DC combinations with band n38 and one more NR band.docx 2022/11/10 15:03 297,2 KB
icon revision of R4-2218966 draft CR 38.101-3 to include new EN-DC combinations with band n38 and n258.docx 2022/11/10 15:03 108,9 KB
icon Revision of R4-2219418.doc 2022/11/14 15:58 182,5 KB
icon Revision of R4-2219421.doc 2022/11/14 15:58 185 KB
icon revision of R4-2219422.doc 2022/11/14 15:58 175 KB
icon Revision of R4-2219424 TP for TR 37.718-21-11 DC_1-3_n1.docx 2022/11/11 13:10 61,1 KB
icon Revision of R4-2219426 TP for TR 37.718-21-11 DC_1-20_n1.docx 2022/11/11 13:10 60,7 KB
icon Revision of R4-2219448 TP for TR 37.718-21-11 DC_7-8_n20.docx 2022/11/11 13:10 75,2 KB
icon Revision of R4-2219462 TP for TR 37.718-21-11 DC_7-28_n20.docx 2022/11/11 13:10 73,1 KB
icon 2022/11/14 14:07 209,8 KB
icon 2022/11/14 14:08 473,7 KB
icon TDoc_List_Meeting_RAN4#105 after block approval 7.3-7.8.xlsx 2022/11/11 17:05 570,4 KB
icon TDoc_List_Meeting_RAN4#105 block approval 7.3-7.8.xlsx 2022/11/09 14:58 569,8 KB

49 items.