ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_105 / Inbox / Drafts / [105][101] Upto_R16_UERF_maintenance

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icon Adhoc Summary [105][101] Upto_R16_UERF_maintenance v00.docx 2022/11/14 10:50 177,5 KB
icon Adhoc Summary [105][101] Upto_R16_UERF_maintenance v01-after adhoc.docx 2022/11/15 15:34 180,9 KB
icon draft summary [105][101] Upto_R16_UERF_maintenance v00.docx 2022/11/09 11:43 47,4 KB
icon draft_R4-22xxxxx LS on EIRP-based test metric for FR2 SEM verifications.docx 2022/11/16 8:48 33,5 KB
icon draft_R4-22xxxxx LS on EIRP-based test metric for FR2 SEM verifications_rev1.docx 2022/11/16 13:22 33,7 KB
icon Rev. of R4-2218204 -- CR for TS 38.101-3 on clarifications for intra-band EN-DC configurations.docx 2022/11/15 20:21 139,7 KB

6 items.