ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_103-e / Inbox / Drafts / [103-e][331] NB-IOT_MTC_Demod / Round 2

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icon draft R4-2210534 summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_after_2nd round_v00.docx 2022/05/19 6:48 103,7 KB
icon draft R4-2210674 WF for perf requirements for Rel-17 NB-IOT and eMTC_v01.doc 2022/05/19 6:48 134 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v00.docx 2022/05/16 1:30 93,9 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v01_moderator.docx 2022/05/16 1:46 96,8 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v02_moderator_Samsung.docx 2022/05/16 2:01 98,6 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v03_Samsung_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/16 5:45 99,9 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v04_Ericsson_Huawei.docx 2022/05/17 2:16 99,3 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v05_Huawei_Samsung.docx 2022/05/17 2:40 103,8 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v06_Samsung_Moderator.docx 2022/05/17 14:06 101,1 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v07_Moderator_QC.docx 2022/05/17 23:16 104,5 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v08_QC_Nokia.docx 2022/05/18 14:11 122,2 KB
icon draft summary_331_NB-IOT_MTC_Demod_2nd round_v09_Nokia_Moderator.docx 2022/05/18 15:41 103,6 KB

12 items.