ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_103-e / Inbox / Drafts / [103-e][314] LS_Response_ITU-R / Round 2 / LS Unwanted emissions

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icon Draft Annex Unwanted emissions for IMT-2020 (merged) v1.docx 2022/05/16 12:03 64,4 KB
icon Draft Annex Unwanted emissions for IMT-2020 (merged) v2_ericsson.docx 2022/05/18 14:19 68,9 KB
icon DRAFT R4-2210648 WF on LS response to WP5D Unwanted emission (IMT-2020).doc 2022/05/17 11:29 66 KB
icon DRAFT R4-2210648 WF on LS response to WP5D Unwanted emission (IMT-2020)_hw.doc 2022/05/18 16:17 65,5 KB
icon DRAFT R4-2210648 WF on LS response to WP5D Unwanted emission (IMT-2020)_hw_ZTE.doc 2022/05/18 16:52 39,5 KB

5 items.