ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_103-e / Inbox / Drafts / [103-e][313] RAIL_900MHz_RF / Round 2

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icon CRs 2022/05/19 14:09
icon TPs to TR 2022/05/18 14:04
icon draft R4-2210516 Summary_313_2nd round.docx 2022/05/19 10:50 167 KB
icon Revised_R4-2208897 - CR to TS 38.104 - Tx requirements- Introduction of band n100.docx 2022/05/16 10:59 136,2 KB
icon Revised_R4-2208902 - RMR1900 - TP to TR 38.852.docx 2022/05/16 10:59 59 KB
icon Revised_R4-2208902 - RMR1900 - TP to TR 38.852_UIC.docx 2022/05/19 5:16 59,7 KB
icon Summary_313_2nd round_v01.docx 2022/05/16 7:29 157,8 KB
icon Summary_313_2nd round_v02_Nokia.docx 2022/05/17 16:49 166,9 KB
icon Summary_313_2nd round_v03_Nokia_EAB.docx 2022/05/17 21:03 162,7 KB
icon Summary_313_2nd round_v04_EAB_hw.docx 2022/05/18 10:06 164,2 KB
icon Summary_313_2nd round_v05_hw_Nokia.docx 2022/05/18 13:27 165,8 KB

11 items.