ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_103-e / Inbox / Drafts / [103-e][100] Main Session / GTW / GTW May-19 / Outcome_GTW

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icon (draft)Revision_R4-2208842_CR_TxD_Correction_v00_after-GTW.docx 2022/05/20 2:30 35,9 KB
icon GTW May-19_ [114] NR_6 GHz_licensed_v2_after-GTW.docx 2022/05/20 2:30 46,4 KB
icon R4-22TBD WF on 60 GHz UE Requirements final v5_QCOM_Murata_after-GTW.docx 2022/05/20 2:30 166,4 KB
icon Rev_R4-2207709 draft CR to 38.807 Clarification on UE behavior during initial access_final_OPPO_after-GTW.docx 2022/05/20 2:30 35,8 KB
icon WF on PC1.5 behavior in power class fall back_final_after-GTW.docx 2022/05/20 2:30 56,4 KB

5 items.