[102-e][309] NTN_Solutions_Part2
Round 2
/ Final draft
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Draft_R4-2207347_WF on [309] NTN_Soluations_Part2_Final draft_v00.docx
2022/03/01 17:21
39,9 KB
Draft_R4-2207347_WF on [309] NTN_Soluations_Part2_Final draft_v01.docx
2022/03/02 7:05
40,3 KB
Draft_R4-2207348_Simulation assumptions for NTN co-existence study_Final draft_v00.docx
2022/03/01 17:22
841,9 KB
Draft_R4-2207350_Summary of HAPS co-existence study_Final draft_v00.xlsx
2022/03/01 17:22
39,6 KB
Draft_R4-2207351_Draft Text Proposal to Update TR 38.863 Chapter 6_Final draft_v00.docx
2022/03/01 17:22
335,8 KB
Draft_R4-2207351_Draft Text Proposal to Update TR 38.863 Chapter 6_Final draft_v01.docx
2022/03/01 18:14
336,8 KB
Draft_R4-2207351_Draft Text Proposal to Update TR 38.863 Chapter 6_Final draft_v02_Samsung.docx
2022/03/02 2:14
337,7 KB
Draft_R4-2207351_Draft Text Proposal to Update TR 38.863 Chapter 6_Final draft_v03_Samsung2.docx
2022/03/02 7:56
338,2 KB
R4-2205914 Draft text proposal for Clauses 6.4 and 6.5_Non-AAS antenna assumption_v02_Samsung_THALES.docx
2022/03/02 8:44
551 KB
R4-2207353 revision of R4-2205914 Draft text proposal for Clauses 6.4 and 6.5_Non-AAS antenna assumption_v02_Samsung_THALES.docx
2022/03/02 8:45
533,8 KB
R4-2207353 revision of R4-2205914 Draft text proposal for Clauses 6.4 and 6.5_Non-AAS antenna assumption_v03_Samsung_THALES2.docx
2022/03/02 9:53
531,9 KB
R4-2207353 revision of R4-2205914 Draft text proposal for Clauses 6.4 and 6.5_Non-AAS antenna assumption_v4_clean.docx
2022/03/02 19:59
514,7 KB
R4-2207353 revison of R4-2205914 Draft text proposal for Clauses 6.4 and 6.5_Non-AAS antenna assumption.docx
2022/03/02 6:22
550,4 KB
R4-2207353 revison of R4-2205914 Draft text proposal for Clauses 6.4 and 6.5_Non-AAS antenna assumption_v01_Samsung.docx
2022/03/02 7:56
537 KB
14 items.