ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_101-bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [101-bis-e][137] LTE_Upper_700MHz / Round 1 / TPs to TR

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icon R4-2200771 TP to TR 36.779 on Frequency band arrangements and regulatory background_ms.docx 2022/01/17 13:18 208 KB
icon R4-2200772 TP to TR 36.779 on Operating band, channel bandwidths, channel numbering_ms.docx 2022/01/17 13:18 68 KB
icon R4-2200774 TP to TR 36.779 on Analysis on UE requirements for upper 700MHz A block_ms.docx 2022/01/17 13:18 191,7 KB

3 items.