2021/08/24 15:28
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2021/08/25 11:53
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2021/08/25 14:45
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2021/08/24 15:28
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2021/08/25 14:45
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2021/08/26 13:36
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Draft R4-2115710 IAB antenna terminology v0.docx
2021/08/25 16:28
186,7 KB
draft R4-2115711 draftCR on IAB conducted conformance testing (Manufacturer declarations) to TS 38.176-1.docx
2021/08/25 8:47
53,3 KB
draft R4-2115711 draftCR on IAB conducted conformance testing (Manufacturer declarations) to TS 38.176-1_v2.docx
2021/08/25 15:04
60,5 KB
Draft R4-2115713 IAB 38176-1 MT applicability and declarations - v0.docx
2021/08/25 16:28
39,3 KB
Draft R4-2115713 IAB 38176-1 MT applicability and declarations - v1.docx
2021/08/26 7:55
206 KB
Draft R4-2115714 IAB 38176-2 MT applicability and declaration - v0.docx
2021/08/25 16:28
73,6 KB
draft R4-2115715 draftCR on IAB-MT conducted performance requirements (General and Demodulation) in TS 38.174.docx
2021/08/25 8:47
148 KB
draft R4-2115715 draftCR on IAB-MT conducted performance requirements (General and Demodulation) in TS 38.174_v2.docx
2021/08/26 9:14
148 KB
draft R4-2115716 draftCR on IAB-MT radiated conformance testing (General and Demodulation) to TS 38.176-2.docx
2021/08/25 8:47
61,5 KB
draft R4-2115716 draftCR on IAB-MT radiated conformance testing (General and Demodulation) to TS 38.176-2_v2.docx
2021/08/25 15:04
61,3 KB
draft R4-2115717 draftCR on IAB-MT conducted conformance testing (CSI reporting and Interworking) to TS 38.176-1.docx
2021/08/25 8:47
69,9 KB
draft R4-2115717 draftCR on IAB-MT conducted conformance testing (CSI reporting and Interworking) to TS 38.176-1_v2.docx
2021/08/25 15:04
69,7 KB
Revised R4-2113355 IAB 38176-1 MT applicability and declarations - Opt1.docx
2021/08/24 18:35
40,3 KB
Revised R4-2113355 IAB 38176-1 MT applicability and declarations - Opt4.docx
2021/08/24 18:35
39 KB
Revised R4-2113356 IAB 38176-2 MT applicability and declaration - opt 1.docx
2021/08/24 18:35
74,7 KB
Revised R4-2113356 IAB 38176-2 MT applicability and declaration - Opt4.docx
2021/08/24 18:35
73,6 KB
revised R4-2113800 draftCR on IAB-MT conducted performance requirements (General and Demodulation) in TS 38.174.docx
2021/08/23 10:11
163,6 KB
revised R4-2113801 draftCR on IAB-MT conducted conformance testing (CSI reporting and Interworking) to TS 38.176-1.docx
2021/08/23 10:11
78 KB
revised R4-2113802 draftCR on IAB conducted conformance testing (Manufacturer declarations) to TS 38.176-1.docx
2021/08/23 10:11
60,7 KB
revised R4-2113803 draftCR on IAB-MT radiated conformance testing (General and Demodulation) to TS 38.176-2.docx
2021/08/23 10:11
68,9 KB
revised R4-2115768 draft CR 38.176-1 demoduation performance requirements v1.docx
2021/08/24 11:49
152 KB
revised R4-2115768 draft CR 38.176-1 demoduation performance requirements v2.docx
2021/08/25 12:09
50,1 KB
revised R4-2115768 draft CR 38.176-1 demoduation performance requirements.docx
2021/08/24 11:31
151,9 KB
revised R4-2115769 draft CR 38.176-2 demoduation performance requirements v1.docx
2021/08/24 11:49
51,9 KB
revised R4-2115769 draft CR 38.176-2 demoduation performance requirements.docx
2021/08/24 11:31
49,2 KB