ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_118-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-102][RedCap] RRC CR (Ericsson) / RRC CR - AT118-e

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icon Miscellaneous corrections for RedCap WI_v01_Rapporteur.docx 2022/05/20 2:12 2893,6 KB
icon Miscellaneous corrections for RedCap WI_v02_Futurewei.docx 2022/05/20 3:04 2901,4 KB
icon Miscellaneous corrections for RedCap WI_v03_Huawei.docx 2022/05/20 4:19 2899,3 KB

3 items.