/ [Offline-014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting (Nokia)
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2020/06/10 7:47
unnecessary FRx diff
2020/06/09 7:01
draft R2-200xxxx Missing optional features without capability parameters REL-15.docx
2020/06/09 19:35
50,4 KB
draft R2-200xxxx Missing optional features without capability parameters REL-16.docx
2020/06/09 19:32
49,7 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting (Nokia).docx
2020/06/02 6:15
48,1 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting Ph2 v1_Nokia.docx
2020/06/04 16:08
55 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v1 Nokia.docx
2020/06/02 6:24
51,8 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v10_Nokia_summary.docx
2020/06/04 7:49
61,8 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v11_ZTE.docx
2020/06/04 10:09
54 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v2_Len.docx
2020/06/02 20:52
53 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v3_QC.docx
2020/06/03 3:29
55,7 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v4_Nokia.docx
2020/06/03 8:57
55,6 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v5_HW.docx
2020/06/03 13:02
49,8 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v6_OPPO.docx
2020/06/03 13:23
57,1 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v7_MTK.docx
2020/06/04 3:37
57,7 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v8_SAM.docx
2020/06/04 4:13
58,3 KB
Summary for [AT110e][014][NR15] UE Cap IPA and email disc last meeting v9_ER.docx
2020/06/04 6:03
61,7 KB
17 items.