ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_119 / Inbox / drafts / 9.12(NR_MCE_Ph2)

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icon Status report 2024/11/27 3:23
icon Feature lead summary on multi-cell 2024/11/15 8:24 259,2 KB
icon Feature lead summary on multi-cell scheduling-v01_Moderator.docx 2024/11/15 12:44 265,8 KB
icon Feature lead summary on multi-cell scheduling-v02_Moderator_QC.docx 2024/11/16 5:12 386,8 KB
icon Feature lead summary on multi-cell scheduling-v02_QC_Nokia.docx 2024/11/17 9:10 387,7 KB
icon Feature lead summary on multi-cell scheduling-v03_QC_Nokia.docx 2024/11/17 9:11 387,7 KB
icon Feature lead summary on multi-cell scheduling-v04_Nokia_CATT.docx 2024/11/17 14:53 432,5 KB

7 items.