ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_119 / Inbox / drafts / 7(NR_uptoR17_Maint)

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icon 38.213 draft CRs 2024/11/30 2:49
icon Parameters for maximum number of layers 2024/11/17 15:48
icon PDCCH with larger AL 2024/11/16 2:49
icon PDSCH scheduled by CORESET not following UTCI 2024/11/17 6:54
icon R17 NR-NTN preamble 2024/11/17 15:24
icon R17 UE power saving SSSG timer BWP 2024/11/17 17:36
icon SCell dormancy case 2 2024/11/16 4:24
icon Spatial filter provided by UL TCI state 2024/11/15 21:46
icon UE capability of SRS antenna switching 2024/11/15 3:49
icon UL Tx spatial filter for PUSCH transmission in Rel-17 UTCI 2024/11/16 2:57

10 items.