/ Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP
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DRAFT_R1-220nnnnn_ LS on UE power limitation for STxMP in FR2_final.docx
2022/05/24 10:09
33,9 KB
DRAFT_R1-22nnnnn_ LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP in FR2_v2.docx
2022/05/24 5:49
33,7 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v00_Mod.docx
2022/05/20 23:35
34 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v01_Mod_Xiaomi.docx
2022/05/23 3:09
34 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v02_Xiaomi_ericsson.docx
2022/05/23 7:02
35 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v03_ericsson_Mod.docx
2022/05/23 8:36
37 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v04_Mod_Nokia.docx
2022/05/23 9:35
39,8 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v05_Nokia_Mod.docx
2022/05/23 10:37
39,9 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v06_Mod_Huawei.docx
2022/05/23 16:12
39,2 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v07_Huawei_Mod.docx
2022/05/23 22:06
40,5 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v08_Mod_LG.docx
2022/05/23 22:40
40 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v09_LG_Apple.docx
2022/05/23 23:31
42 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v10_Apple_ZTE.docx
2022/05/23 23:44
40,6 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v11_ZTE_Mod.docx
2022/05/24 0:58
41,9 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v12_Mod_Xiaomi.docx
2022/05/24 1:49
41,6 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v13_Xiaomi_vivo.docx
2022/05/24 6:55
42,9 KB
R1-22nnnnn_Draft LS to RAN4 on UE power limitation for STxMP_v14_vivo_Mod.docx
2022/05/24 7:06
43,3 KB
17 items.