/ Intra-UE MUX B
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(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v000.pdf
2022/04/26 14:52
598,6 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v000.zip
2022/04/26 12:21
1777,1 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v0010_H3C_Nokia.docx
2022/04/27 15:17
103,1 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v001_FL update with docx format.docx
2022/04/26 23:29
92,7 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v002_FL HW.docx
2022/04/27 4:27
93,9 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v003_HW_vivo.docx
2022/04/27 4:30
94,6 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v004_vivo_QC.docx
2022/04/27 4:42
100,4 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v005_QC_Intel.docx
2022/04/27 6:24
100,2 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v006_Intel_OPPO.docx
2022/04/27 7:40
100,5 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v007_OPPO_DCM.docx
2022/04/27 8:12
101 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v008_DCM_LG.docx
2022/04/27 9:08
99,9 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v009_LG_H3C.docx
2022/04/27 9:25
101,1 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v010_H3C_Nokia.docx
2022/04/27 15:17
103,1 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v011_Nokia_SPRD.docx
2022/04/28 0:15
100,4 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v012_SPRD_CATT.docx
2022/04/28 1:11
160,3 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v013_CATT_Samsung.docx
2022/04/28 1:57
123,1 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v014_Samsung_IDCC.docx
2022/04/28 3:12
104,3 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v015_IDCC_ZTE.docx
2022/04/28 3:42
101,7 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v016_ZTE_Ericsson.docx
2022/04/28 6:08
102,4 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v100_FL kick-off 2nd round.docx
2022/04/28 11:41
108,2 KB
(Draft) R1-22xxxxx Preparation phase summary for R17 Intra-UE mux-B_v101_FL kick-off 2nd round.docx
2022/04/28 11:52
109,6 KB
Comment table for intra-UE MUX-B preparation RAN1#109-e - for those cannot edit the summary.docx
2022/04/26 14:43
14,2 KB
22 items.