ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_109-e / Inbox / drafts / 8.11.1 / Round_2

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icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v100_FL.docx 2022/05/11 3:05 493,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v101_FL_ZTESane.docx 2022/05/11 3:39 576,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v102_ZTESane_Sharp.docx 2022/05/11 7:26 465,2 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v103_Sharp_FL.docx 2022/05/11 9:22 490,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v104_FL_xiaomi.docx 2022/05/11 13:31 487,2 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v105_xiaomi_HWHiSi.docx 2022/05/11 14:21 494,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v106_HWHiSi_Sharp.docx 2022/05/11 15:44 495,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v107_Sharp_vivo.docx 2022/05/11 15:55 504,2 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v108_vivo_SS.docx 2022/05/11 16:32 496,9 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v109_SS_Intel.docx 2022/05/11 17:34 524,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v110_Intel_LGE.docx 2022/05/11 18:18 499,3 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v111_LGE_QC.docx 2022/05/11 19:51 506,8 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v112_QC_Futurewei.docx 2022/05/11 20:13 508,1 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v113_Futurewei_CATT.docx 2022/05/11 20:40 523,6 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v114_CATT_Ericsson.docx 2022/05/11 20:47 527,5 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v115_Ericsson_Apple.docx 2022/05/11 22:34 534,4 KB
icon draft R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v116_Apple_Lenovo.docx 2022/05/11 23:44 529,4 KB
icon R1-2205062 summary for power saving RA v200.docx 2022/05/12 2:04 532,4 KB
icon R1-2205063 summary for power saving RA v201.docx 2022/05/12 22:33 537,6 KB

19 items.