ETSI logo / ftp / TSG_RAN / WG1_RL1 / TSGR1_108-e / Inbox / drafts / 8 / 38.211 draft CRs

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icon R1-22xxxxx draft CR 38.211 NR_ext_to_71GHz-Core.docx 2022/03/07 9:43 111,8 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx draft CR 38.211 NR_feMIMO-Core.docx 2022/03/07 9:43 116,6 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx draft CR 38.211 NR_IIOT_URLLC_enh-Core v2.docx 2022/03/09 19:47 72,4 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx draft CR 38.211 NR_IIOT_URLLC_enh-Core.docx 2022/03/07 9:43 64,7 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx draft CR 38.211 NR_MBS-Core.docx 2022/03/07 9:43 70,6 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx draft CR 38.211 NR_NTN_solutions-Core.docx 2022/03/07 9:43 101,7 KB
icon R1-22xxxxx draft CR 38.211 NR_SmallData_INACTIVE-Core.docx 2022/03/07 9:43 64,3 KB

7 items.