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Updated summary (1st round)
2020/08/21 2:25
Updated summary (2nd round)
2020/08/21 22:47
Updated summary (3rd round)
2020/08/26 8:39
Updated summary (4th round)
2020/08/28 0:38
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v000_FL.docx
2020/08/18 1:09
144,4 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v001_CATT.docx
2020/08/19 2:03
160,9 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v002_CATT_SS.docx
2020/08/19 3:47
165,1 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v003_SS_Intel.docx
2020/08/19 4:26
141,8 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v004_Intel_DCM.docx
2020/08/19 4:46
140,6 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v005_DCM_IDC.docx
2020/08/19 6:13
145,4 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v006_IDC_vivo.docx
2020/08/19 7:19
146 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v007_vivo_QC.docx
2020/08/19 8:16
147,6 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v008_QC_OPPO.docx
2020/08/19 10:03
147,1 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v009_OPPO_Apple.docx
2020/08/19 10:43
149,2 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v010_Apple_SONY.docx
2020/08/19 11:13
148,9 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v011_SONY_Sharp.docx
2020/08/19 12:09
150 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v012_Sharp_Nokia.docx
2020/08/19 12:38
155,1 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v013_Nokia_CMCC.docx
2020/08/19 13:45
154,1 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v014_CMCC_Panasonic.docx
2020/08/19 14:39
155,6 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v015_Panasonic_ZTE.docx
2020/08/19 15:46
160,6 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v016-ZTE-Ericsson.docx
2020/08/19 17:34
152,1 KB
R1-200xxxx Feature lead summary on coverage enhancement for channels other than PUSCH and PUCCH_v017-Ericsson-HW.docx
2020/08/19 19:18
151,8 KB
22 items.