From: Masami Yabusaki [yab@NTTDOCOMO.CO.JP] Sent: 18 August 2008 10:16 To: 3GPP_OP_IMPROVE@LIST.ETSI.ORG Subject: 4th meeting via teleconference Attachments: NEW KDDI Access Number List ENG.doc; 720 KDDI_UserGuide_Eng_23_3.pdf Dear 3GPP improvers, Please confirm how to access to the teleconference for 4th meeting below. The manipulation is the same as for the 3rd meeting. Regards, Masami Date: 21st August (Thirsday), 2008 and 22nd August (Friday), 2008 Time:ATIS: Central 6:00-8:00, East 7:00-9:00 ETSI: UK 12:00-14:00, West 13:00-15:00, East 14:00-16:00 CCSA: 19:00-21:00 ARIB/TTC/TTA: 20:00-22:00. Call in procedure and info: - You need DTMF capable telephone. please check. - Toll call to one of the nunmber in the attached List (word file) (choose one) - enter passcode : 39579680# - please tell your name laud and clearly according to guidance (within one & half seconed.., why?? it's system parameter) - for additional information, please refer PDF file Note: - If you will hear music, the bridge is not yet opened to the attendess, please hungup and call in later. This will usually happen if you will call in before or after of the conference window. - Please make sure you will hang up after the meeting. --------------------- Original Message Ends -------------------- *********************************** Dr. Masami YABUSAKI NTTDoCoMo Inc. NTTDoCoMo R&D Center 3-5 Hikarinooka Yokosuka-shi Kanagawa 239-8536, Japan +81 90 32 08 57 42 *********************************** --------------------- Original Message Ends -------------------- *********************************** Dr. Masami YABUSAKI NTTDoCoMo Inc. NTTDoCoMo R&D Center 3-5 Hikarinooka Yokosuka-shi Kanagawa 239-8536, Japan +81 90 32 08 57 42 ***********************************