ETSI logo / ftp / Meetings_3gpp_SYNC / RAN1 / Inbox / drafts / 8.1(NR_WI) / precoder indication for 8TX CG-PUSCH / round3(CR and LS)

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icon R1-24xxxxx draft CR on precoder indication for 8Tx CG-PUSCH.docx 2024/11/19 22:21 32,1 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx draft LS on Precoder Indication for 8 port CG-PUSCH.docx 2024/11/19 22:21 54 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Summary 3 on precoder indication for 8Tx CG-PUSCH v00_Mod.docx 2024/11/19 22:21 62,6 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Summary 3 on precoder indication for 8Tx CG-PUSCH v01_Mod_H3C.docx 2024/11/19 23:00 67 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Summary 3 on precoder indication for 8Tx CG-PUSCH v02_H3C_Mod.docx 2024/11/20 19:27 57 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Summary 3 on precoder indication for 8Tx CG-PUSCH v03_Mod_Mod.docx 2024/11/20 23:28 55,3 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Summary 3 on precoder indication for 8Tx CG-PUSCH v04_Mod_Mod.docx 2024/11/21 13:14 53,6 KB
icon ~$-24xxxxx draft CR on precoder and number of layers indication for 8Tx CG-PUSCH.docx 2024/11/19 22:21 0,1 KB

8 items.