ETSI logo / ftp / Meetings_3gpp_SYNC / RAN1 / Inbox / drafts / 8.1(NR_WI) / [NR NTN]NR-RAN measurement / [2nd round]

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icon R1-24xxxxx Draft CR for UL SRS-RSRP and UL SRS-RSRPP.docx 2024/11/19 7:21 28,8 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Moderator summary#2 on NR-RAN measurement in NTN.docx 2024/11/19 7:21 164,4 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Moderator summary#2 on NR-RAN measurement in NTN_V200_Mod.docx 2024/11/19 9:01 164,4 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Moderator summary#2 on NR-RAN measurement in NTN_V201_Mod_Nokia.docx 2024/11/19 20:30 165,8 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Moderator summary#2 on NR-RAN measurement in NTN_V202_Nokia_HW&HiSi.docx 2024/11/20 7:32 165,3 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Moderator summary#2 on NR-RAN measurement in NTN_V203_HW&HiSi_ZTE.docx 2024/11/20 14:27 158,3 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx Moderator summary#2 on NR-RAN measurement in NTN_V204_ZTE_Ericsson.docx 2024/11/20 14:57 152,9 KB

7 items.