ETSI logo / ftp / Meetings_3gpp_SYNC / RAN1 / Inbox / drafts / 7(NR_uptoR17_Maint) / R17 NR-NTN preamble

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icon R1-24xxxxx summary on discussion on correction on preamble sequence mapping_V000_Mod.docx 2024/11/17 18:00 75,6 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx summary on discussion on correction on preamble sequence mapping_V001_Mod_Ericsson.docx 2024/11/17 18:00 76,7 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx summary on discussion on correction on preamble sequence mapping_V002_Ericsson_HW&HiSi.docx 2024/11/17 18:19 76,1 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx summary on discussion on correction on preamble sequence mapping_V003_HW&HiSi_ZTE.docx 2024/11/18 13:42 71,5 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx summary on discussion on correction on preamble sequence mapping_V004_ZTE_SS.docx 2024/11/18 15:04 70,6 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx summary on discussion on correction on preamble sequence mapping_V005_SS_DCM.docx 2024/11/18 16:49 73,9 KB
icon R1-24xxxxx summary on discussion on correction on preamble sequence mapping_V006_DCM_Len.docx 2024/11/18 21:24 73,6 KB

7 items.