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icon Draft R4-2418157 Topic summary_135 v1.docx 2024/11/17 19:59 50,4 KB
icon Draft R4-2418157 Topic summary_135 v2_EAB.docx 2024/11/17 19:59 50,7 KB
icon draftR4-2420477_v00.docx 2024/11/22 13:44 142,3 KB
icon draftR4-2420477_v01.docx 2024/11/22 14:09 143,7 KB
icon draftR4-2420478_v00.docx 2024/11/22 13:44 99,9 KB
icon draftR4-2420478_v01.docx 2024/11/22 14:09 101,3 KB
icon draft_R4-2420479_CR for updating the note for NTN frequency range definition in RLM requirements_v0.docx 2024/11/22 14:21 43,6 KB
icon draft_R4-2420479_CR for updating the note for NTN frequency range definition in RLM requirements_v1.docx 2024/11/22 14:54 43,9 KB
icon R4-241XXXX_Draft reply LS to RAN1 on FR2-NTN inclusion to specifications_v0.0.docx 2024/11/22 0:56 33,6 KB
icon R4-2420476_Draft reply LS to RAN1 and RAN2 on FR2-NTN inclusion to specifications_v0.1.docx 2024/11/22 14:55 33,6 KB
icon R4-2420476_Draft reply LS to RAN1 on FR2-NTN inclusion to specifications_v0.0.docx 2024/11/22 14:21 33,6 KB

11 items.