ETSI logo / ftp / Meetings_3GPP_Sync / RAN4 / Inbox / drafts / [113][133] FS_Ambient_IoT_solutions_part2

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icon TP drafting 2024/11/19 1:15
icon WF 2024/11/21 16:12
icon draft R4-2418155 Topic summary for [113][133] FS_Ambient_IoT_solutions_part2_v00.docx 2024/11/17 19:59 139,6 KB
icon draft R4-2418155 Topic summary for [113][133] FS_Ambient_IoT_solutions_part2_v01_Sony.docx 2024/11/17 19:59 143,6 KB
icon draft R4-2418155 Topic summary for [113][133] FS_Ambient_IoT_solutions_part2_v01_Sony_Ericsson.docx 2024/11/17 19:59 142,8 KB
icon draft R4-2418155 Topic summary for [113][133] FS_Ambient_IoT_solutions_part2_v02_Sony_Ericsson_Mod.docx 2024/11/17 19:59 157 KB

6 items.