ETSI logo / ftp / Meetings_3GPP_Sync / RAN4 / Inbox / drafts / [113][132] FS_Ambient_IoT_solutions_part1 / TPs / 6.6 Coexistence of ambient IoT and NRLTE

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icon draft_R4-2420360_TP to TR38.769 Co-existence simulation.docx 2024/11/20 22:59 105,8 KB
icon draft_R4-2420360_TP to TR38.769 Co-existence simulation_v01_CMCC.docx 2024/11/21 13:20 107,3 KB
icon draft_R4-2420360_TP to TR38.769 Co-existence simulation_v02_CMCC_QC.docx 2024/11/21 14:39 109 KB
icon draft_R4-2420360_TP to TR38.769 Co-existence simulation_v03_CMCC_QC_vivo.docx 2024/11/21 15:27 213 KB
icon draft_R4-2420360_TP to TR38.769 Co-existence simulation_v04_vivo_CMCC.docx 2024/11/21 16:58 212 KB
icon R4-2420360_TP to TR38.769 Co-existence simulation_v05_CMCC_HW.docx 2024/11/21 18:57 213,6 KB

6 items.