Cancelled - RAN3_107
/ NR_IIOT_PreMeeting
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draft-R3-20xxxx TP for 38423 NR-IIoT BL CR inc ASN.1.doc
2020/01/22 16:10
152 KB
draft-R3-20xxxx-38423_CR0230_NR-IIoT BL CR.doc
2020/01/22 16:10
625 KB
draft-R3-20xxxx-38423_CR0230_NR-IIoT BL CR_v1.doc
2020/01/27 13:24
627 KB
R3-20xxx1 is 7828 38463_CR0154_(Rel-16) NR_IIOT BL CR-V3.docx
2020/01/22 16:25
142,9 KB
R3-20xxx1 is 7828 38463_CR0154_(Rel-16) NR_IIOT BL CR-V5.docx
2020/01/24 1:30
144,1 KB
R3-20xxx1 _38473_CR0477_IIoT_BL CR_was R3-197829.docx
2020/01/22 13:04
114,8 KB
R3-20xxx1_38413_CR0082_(Rel-16) NR_IIOT BL CR v2.docx
2020/01/22 15:30
185,2 KB
R3-20xxx2 NR_IIOT TP for 38.413 with full asn1 v2.doc
2020/01/22 15:30
776,5 KB
R3-20xxx2 TP for 38473_IIoT_Addition ASN.1.docx
2020/01/22 13:04
157,6 KB
R3-2xxxx2 (TP for NR_IIOT BL CR for TS 38.463) Corrections and addition of ASN.1-V2.docx
2020/01/22 16:25
57,7 KB
R3-2xxxx2 (TP for NR_IIOT BL CR for TS 38.463) Corrections and addition of ASN.1-V4.docx
2020/01/24 1:30
56,6 KB
11 items.