ETSI logo / ftp / Email_Discussions / RAN2 / [Misc] / ASN1 review / Rel-18 2024-03 / 38331 / Offline Discussions / SDT

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icon draft-R2-2400755_Sdt-RRCASN.1ReviewCR-i00-rev0_v00.docx 2024/02/16 13:10 141,2 KB
icon SDT RIL resolutions (based on review file v193)_v00_rapp.xlsx 2024/02/07 18:05 324,6 KB
icon SDT RIL resolutions (based on review file v193)_v01_LGE.xlsx 2024/02/08 2:44 325,7 KB
icon SDT RIL resolutions (based on review file v193)_v02_Huawei.xlsx 2024/02/08 10:01 325,7 KB
icon SDT RIL resolutions (based on review file v193)_v03_Intel.xlsx 2024/02/08 23:54 326 KB
icon SDT RIL resolutions (based on review file v193)_v04_rapp.xlsx 2024/02/13 9:48 326,2 KB
icon SDT RIL resolutions (based on review file v193)_v05_ericsson.xlsx 2024/02/16 9:37 326,9 KB
icon SDT RIL resolutions (based on review file v193)_v06_rapp.xlsx 2024/02/16 10:26 326,3 KB

8 items.