Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: S2-81 - 2010-10-11 to 2010-10-15, Prague

meeting id: S2-81 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
S2‑104451 Draft Agenda for SA WG2 meeting #81 SA WG2 Chairman Revised in S2-104551
S2‑104452 Draft report of SA WG2 meeting #80 SA WG2 Secretary Revised in S2-105034
S2‑104453 Information Flow between OCS and PCRF for Key Issue 3 Openet Revised in S2-105168
S2‑104454 LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on CSG access in VPLMN CT WG1 (C1-102887) Response in S2-105304
S2‑104455 LS from RAN WG2: LS on Domain indicator for CSFB RAN WG2 (R2-103453) Noted
S2‑104456 LS from RAN WG3: Release 7 QoS subscription data for Pre-Release 7 UE RAN WG3 (R3-101823) Noted
S2‑104457 LS from RAN WG3: Clarification of CSG based paging optimization RAN WG3 (R3-101824) Noted
S2‑104458 LS from SA WG4: LS on the Usage of MBR and GBR bearers in MTSI SA WG4 (S4-100545) Response in S2-105305
S2‑104459 LS from SA WG5: Reply to ITU-T on “Sharing draft Recommendations ITU-T Y.2233Rev.1 and Y.2111Rev.1Amd” - Second step SA WG5 (S5-101950) Noted
S2‑104460 LS from SA WG3LI: LS on H(e)NB related LI requirements SA WG3LI (SA3LI10_056r2) Noted
S2‑104461 LS from SA WG3LI: LS on CAT and CRS related LI requirements SA WG3LI (SA3LI10_057) Noted
S2‑104462 LS from CT WG4: LS on UDC architecture CT WG4 (C4-094213) (C4-094213) Noted
S2‑104463 LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on ANDSF Rel-9 assumptions CT WG1 (C1-101257) Postponed to meeting #82
S2‑104464 LS from ETSI TISPAN WG5: LS to 3GPP regarding Remote Access to CPNs ETSI TISPAN WG5 (TISPAN(10)0050r1) Noted
S2‑104465 LS from CT WG4: LS on Passing Restart Counter to External Network CT WG4 (C4-101562) Postponed to meeting #82
S2‑104466 LS from SA WG1: LS on Inhibiting the Allowed CSG List SA WG1 (S1-102314) Response in S2-105304
S2‑104467 LS from RAN WG3: LS on Relay Startup RAN WG3 (R3-102476) Noted
S2‑104468 LS from SA WG1: LS on Machine Type Communications Feature Secure Connection SA WG1 (S1-100385) Noted
S2‑104469 LS from CT WG4: LS on Clarification on the NIMTC interim conclusions CT WG4 (C4-102244) Response in S2-105074
S2‑104470 LS from CT WG4: LS on MTU in 3GPP system CT WG4 (C4-102304) Response in S2-105263
S2‑104471 LS from CT WG4: LS on Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover CT WG4 (C4-102383) Response in S2-105308
S2‑104472 LS from CT WG4: MSISDN relationship with C-MSISDN CT WG4 (C4-102421) Response in S2-105237
S2‑104473 LS from CT WG1: LS on backward compatibility for UEs supporting dual IP stack in a pre-Release 8 network CT WG1 (C1-103554) Noted
S2‑104474 LS from CT WG1: Comments on Rel-10 issues for NIMTC CT WG1 (C1-103561) Response in S2-105073
S2‑104475 LS from RAN WG2: Considerations on counting for MBMS activation RAN WG2 (R2-105226) Response in S2-105281
S2‑104476 LS from RAN WG2: LS on MBR>GBR handling in the UE RAN WG2 (R2-105229) Postponed to meeting #82
S2‑104477 LS from RAN WG2: SRB only PS Handover RAN WG2 (R2-105231) Noted
S2‑104478 LS from RAN WG3: LS on MBR to be greater than GBR for MBMS services RAN WG3 (R3-102465) Response in S2-105035
S2‑104479 LS from RAN WG3: LS on support of PWS in RAN Sharing Environment RAN WG3 (R3-102507) Noted
S2‑104480 LS from RAN WG3: CS Fallback triggered upon Service Reject RAN WG3 (R3-102530) Postponed to meeting #82
S2‑104481 LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS OAM security and OAM connection issues of RN RAN WG3 (R3-102539) Noted
S2‑104482 LS from SA WG1: LS on MTC Features and MTC Functionality SA WG1 (S1-102291) Noted
S2‑104483 LS from SA WG1: LS on direct stage 3 work for NIMTC functionality SA WG1 (S1-102292) Noted
S2‑104484 LS from SA WG1: LS on Congestion Control Requirements in TS 22.368 SA WG1 (S1-102293) Noted
S2‑104485 LS from SA WG1: LS on Use cases and suggested requirements for key issue 3 in TR 23.813 (QoS and gating based on spending limits) SA WG1 (S1-102396) Postponed to meeting #82
S2‑104486 LS from CT WG3: LS on User CSG Information reporting CT WG3 (C3-100982) Postponed to meeting #82
S2‑104487 LS from Broadband Forum: Reply LS on 3GPP - BBF interworking Broadband Forum (bbf2010.1106.01) Noted
S2‑104488 LS from ITU-T: Reply to 'Reply to ITU-T on 'Sharing draft Recommendations ITU-T Y.2233Rev.1 and Y.2111Rev.1Amd''. ITU-T SG13 (COM13-LS116) Noted
S2‑104489 LS from GERAN WG2: LS on Transfer of SPID during (inter-RAT) handover GERAN WG2 (GP-101459) Noted
S2‑104490 LS from GERAN WG2: LS on Introduction of MOCN-GERAN GERAN WG2 (GP-101598) Noted
S2‑104491 LS from GERAN WG2: Response LS to LS on support for Priority for terminating sessions for MPS GERAN WG2 (GP-101631) Noted
S2‑104492 LS from TSG GERAN: Reply LS on 'communications from ITU-R WP5A' and on 'Mobile Wireless access systems providing telecommunications for a large number of ubiquitous sensors and/or actuators scattered over wide areas in the land mobile service' TSG GERAN (GP-101653) Noted
S2‑104493 LS from SA WG3LI: Reply LS on LIPA/SIPTO stage 1 clarification SA WG3LI (SA WG3LI10_104r1) Noted
S2‑104494 LS from ITU-T SG15: ITU-T SG15 (TSG SA) (SP-100599_oLS_183) Noted
S2‑104495 LS from TSG SA: LS on Remaining work for LIPA completion TSG SA (SP-100648) Noted
S2‑104496 Proposed change on 23.888 to 5.1 'Key Issue - Group Based Optimization' Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104497 On-demand SMS for MTC Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104498 How to find the same H(e)NB PF for a certain H(e)NB ZTE Revised in S2-105226
S2‑104499 Admission control when the BPCF reject the QoS authorization request ZTE Noted
S2‑104500 Additional 3GPP-BBF Femto IWK Procedures ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104501 Additional call flows for S2b and S2c: Resource reservation, deactivation and UE-Initiated connectivity to additional PDN ZTE Revised in S2-105227
S2‑104502 Discussion on the handling of usage monitoring for the IP-CAN session and sponsored data connectivity simultaneously ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104503 23.203 CR0455: Usage monitoring for the IP-CAN session and sponsored data connectivity simultaneously ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104504 Discussion on eNodeB ECN capability and capability to support MBR > GBR ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104505 23.203 CR0456: Reporting the eNodeB capability of supporting ECN to PCRF ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104506 23.401 CR1752: The report of eNodeB ECN capability ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104507 23.402 CR0932: The report of eNodeB ECN capability ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104508 [DRAFT] LS on MBR > GBR and eNodeB ECN capability SA WG2 (ZTE) Not Handled
S2‑104509 Impacts to the policy architecture when deploying NAT ZTE Noted
S2‑104510 23.060 CR1197: LIPA L-GW clarification on static GW and VPLMN LIPA roaming ZTE, Panasonic Revised in S2-105179
S2‑104511 23.401 CR1753: LIPA L-GW clarification on static GW and VPLMN LIPA roaming ZTE, Panasonic Revised in S2-105180
S2‑104512 23.401 CR1754: Local Paging for LIPA ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104513 23.060 CR1198: Local Paging for LIPA ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104514 The user accept/decline SIPTO for H(e)NB subsystems ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104515 23.060 CR1199: Clarification of TOF functionalities ZTE Noted
S2‑104516 23.401 CR1755: 401: Clarification of LIPA deactivation ZTE Noted
S2‑104517 23.060 CR1200: 060: Clarification of LIPA deactivation ZTE Noted
S2‑104518 Comparison of stand-alone L-GW solution with Sxx interface ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104519 Criteria for rSRVCC ZTE Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104967
S2‑104520 Update to alt 5 for helping combined solution ZTE Approved
S2‑104521 Directly Cell-ID Provision from MME to GMLC ZTE Revised in S2-105112
S2‑104523 23.401 CR1756: MTC specific congestion / overload control description in Attach and Service Request procedures ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104524 23.060 CR1201: MTC specific congestion / overload control description in Attach and Service Request procedures ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104525 23.401 CR1757: Clarification on Low Priority Usage for MTC ZTE Noted
S2‑104526 23.060 CR1202: Clarification on Low Priority Usage for MTC ZTE Noted
S2‑104527 23.401 CR1758: Clarification on APN based congestion control ZTE Noted
S2‑104528 23.060 CR1203: Clarification on APN based congestion control ZTE Noted
S2‑104529 23.401 CR1759: MTC capable network node selection ZTE Noted
S2‑104530 23.060 CR1204: MTC capable network node selection ZTE Noted
S2‑104531 Discussion on multiple session handling for SRVCC eMPS ZTE Noted
S2‑104533 23.216 CR0155: TMSI relocation in SRVCC ZTE Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104976
S2‑104534 Adding conditions for TMSI reallocation ZTE WITHDRAWN
S2‑104535 23.237 CR0332: Removing a note that is no long valid according to stage 3. ZTE Approved
S2‑104536 23.237 CR0333: Removing a note that is no long valid according to stage 3. ZTE Approved
S2‑104537 23.401 CR1760: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless Revised in parallel session in S2-105055
S2‑104538 23.060 CR1205: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless Revised in parallel session in S2-105056
S2‑104539 23.401 CR1761: OTA configuration for MTC Sierra Wireless Revised in parallel session in S2-105047
S2‑104540 23.060 CR1206: OTA configuration for MTC Sierra Wireless Revised in parallel session in S2-105048
S2‑104541 23.401 CR1762: Clarify how to send DDN from SGW to MME ZTE Noted
S2‑104542 23.401 CR1763: Update the ME identity to the HSS ZTE Noted
S2‑104543 23.401 CR1764: Non-GBR bearers deactivation during S1 release procedure ZTE Noted
S2‑104544 23.401 CR1765: PDN disconnection in case of ISR activated ZTE Noted
S2‑104545 23.401 CR1766: Correction of signalling release at the end of TAU procedures ZTE Noted
S2‑104546 Overview of IP flow mobility ZTE Noted
S2‑104547 IP flow mobility support for Network- based mobility protocols (i.e. GTP and PMIPv6) ZTE Revised in S2-105031
S2‑104548 An optimization for the PGW ID update procedure ZTE WITHDRAWN
S2‑104549 Skeleton for TR 23.844 China Mobile Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104990
S2‑104550 Scope for TR 23.844 China Mobile Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104991
S2‑104551 Draft Agenda for SA WG2 meeting #81 SA WG2 Chairman Revised in S2-105032
S2‑104552 Network-provided and UE-provided location storage Telefonica Noted
S2‑104553 Use of network-provided location for validation of UE-provided location in IMS emergency sessions Telefonica Noted
S2‑104554 Policy decision based on network status China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Panasonic, ZTE, Allot Communication Not Handled
S2‑104555 - China Mobile, ZTE WITHDRAWN
S2‑104556 23.401 CR1767: Include session management back-off timer for priority users/emergency services during APN based congestion control HTC Revised in S2-105076
S2‑104557 23.060 CR1207: Include session management back-off timer for priority users/emergency services during APN based congestion control HTC Revised in S2-105077
S2‑104558 23.401 CR1768: Add network-initiated EPS bearer deactivation with back-off timer for APN based congestion control HTC Not Handled
S2‑104559 23.060 CR1208: Add network-initiated PDP context deactivation with back-off timer for APN based congestion control HTC Not Handled
S2‑104560 QoS for a 3GPP UE in BBF Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105191
S2‑104561 Conclusions regarding QoS information over S9* Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105158
S2‑104562 TR 23.839 v0.2.0 Rapporteur (Ericsson) Approved
S2‑104563 Resource reservation and deactivation call flows for S2b when accessing of BBF access network Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104564 Policy based selection of service delivery network AT&T Not Handled
S2‑104565 Study on Policy solutions and enhancements AT&T Approved
S2‑104566 23.060 CR1209: Modifying and rejecting bearer level QoS parameter for default bearer NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105192
S2‑104567 23.060 CR1210: Modifying and rejecting bearer level QoS parameter for default bearer NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105193
S2‑104568 23.060 CR1211: Modifying and rejecting bearer level QoS parameter for default bearer NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105194
S2‑104569 23.401 CR1769: Dedicated Bearer Activation in ECM-IDLE stage-3 alignment Hitachi, LG Electronics Not Handled
S2‑104570 23.228 CR0948: UE behaviour upon revocation of dedicated bearer(s) for an ongoing IMS session Cisco Noted
S2‑104571 23.228 CR0949: UE behaviour upon revocation of dedicated bearer(s) for an ongoing IMS session Cisco Noted
S2‑104572 23.228 CR0950: UE behaviour upon revocation of dedicated bearer(s) for an ongoing IMS session Cisco Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104987
S2‑104573 Addition of IMS (de/re)-registration to the scope Cisco WITHDRAWN
S2‑104574 23.401 CR1642R1: MME overload control by throttling of DL low priority traffic Alcatel-Lucent Revised in parallel session in S2-105057
S2‑104575 23.060 CR1117R1: SGSN overload control by throttling of DL low priority traffic Alcatel-Lucent Revised in parallel session in S2-105058
S2‑104576 IMS Charging dependency on IP-CAN Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105113
S2‑104577 23.167 CR0180: Adding IMS Emergency support for HRPD with EPC IP-CAN Alcatel-Lucent Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104985
S2‑104578 23.167 CR0181: Adding IMS Emergency support for HRPD with EPC IP-CAN Alcatel-Lucent Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104986
S2‑104579 Adding SRVCC perspective into '1.Scope' NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105095
S2‑104580 Adding SRVCC scenario into '4.Priority service scenarios' NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105096
S2‑104581 Adding architectural requirement from SRVCC perspective NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105097
S2‑104582 Key Issue for SRVCC priority NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105098
S2‑104583 23.401 CR1770: Alignment of Network Triggered Service Request procedure NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105093
S2‑104584 23.271 CR0387: Clarification on Cell ID notification to E-SMLC NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105138
S2‑104585 23.271 CR0388: Clarification on Femto eNodeB support NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105128
S2‑104586 Solution Alternative for Location Information provision to IMS NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105114
S2‑104587 23.216 CR0157: Correction on SRVCC procedure for voice bearer deactivation NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105127
S2‑104588 Update to Network Improvements for Machine Type Communication Samsung, Verizon Wireless, Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T, Motorola, Cisco, Qualcomm Europe, Panasonic, Orange, Sierra Wireless, Vodafone, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, Huawei, ... Revised in S2-105038
S2‑104589 Update to System Improvements for Machine Type Communication KPN, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Sierra , Samsung, Verizon , Nokia Siemens Networks, Panasonic, Huawei, Intel, China Mobile, Interdigital, NEC, ZTE, Telecom Italia, Motorola, LG, Alcatel-Lucent, TeliaSonera, Sagem, Orange, HTC Revised in S2-105039
S2‑104590 How to proceed with SIMTC? Samsung Not Handled
S2‑104591 23.060 CR1212: NAS rejection and back-off inapplicable to IMS APN Samsung Noted
S2‑104592 23.401 CR1771: NAS rejection and back-off inapplicable to IMS APN Samsung Noted
S2‑104593 23.060 CR1213: Clarification for NMO behaviour of MTC devices Samsung Revised in S2-105087
S2‑104594 23.060 CR1231: Correction of normative provision text on MTC and low priority indicators Samsung Noted
S2‑104595 23.401 CR1773: Correction of normative provision text on MTC and low priority indicators Samsung Noted
S2‑104596 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Comments on Rel-10 issues for NIMTC SA WG2 (Samsung) Revised in parallel session in S2-105046
S2‑104597 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Clarification on the NIMTC interim conclusions SA WG2 (Samsung) Revised in parallel session in S2-105045
S2‑104598 23.060 CR1214: Detailed procedure update Samsung Noted
S2‑104599 - Samsung WITHDRAWN
S2‑104600 Long TAU/RAU Timer and Paging Signalling Samsung Noted
S2‑104601 23.060 CR1215: Clarification on changing the RAU timer based on the subscribed RAU timer Samsung Noted
S2‑104602 23.401 CR1774: Clarification on changing the RAU timer based on the subscribed RAU timer Samsung Noted
S2‑104603 23.060 CR1216: Clarification on MTC Access Class Barring Samsung Revised in S2-105085
S2‑104604 23.401 CR1775: Clarification on MTC Access Class Barring Samsung Revised in S2-105086
S2‑104605 [DRAFT] Reply LS on MBR to be greater than GBR for MBMS services SA WG2 (Huawei) Revised in S2-105035
S2‑104606 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Considerations on counting for MBMS activation SA WG2 (Huawei) Revised in S2-105118
S2‑104607 23.401 CR1776: Correction of HSS Initiated Subscribed QoS Modification Huawei, Hisilicon, Camiant, ZTE Noted
S2‑104608 23.401 CR1777: Correction of HSS Initiated Subscribed QoS Modification Huawei, Hisilicon, Camiant, ZTE Noted
S2‑104609 23.401 CR1778: Correction of HSS Initiated Subscribed QoS Modification Huawei, Hisilicon, Camiant, ZTE Revised in parallel session in S2-105196
S2‑104610 23.203 CR0457: Correction of QoS change Event trigger Huawei, Hisilicon, Camiant, ZTE, China Unicom Noted
S2‑104611 23.203 CR0458: Correction of QoS change Event trigger Huawei, Hisilicon, Camiant, ZTE, China Unicom Noted
S2‑104612 23.203 CR0459: Correction of QoS change Event trigger Huawei, Hisilicon, Camiant, ZTE Revised in parallel session in S2-105195
S2‑104613 E-PLMN List usage for registered CS PLMN Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Revised in S2-105027
S2‑104614 23.272 CR0586R3: Multiple PLMNs selection in eNodeB Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Revised in S2-105028
S2‑104615 23.272 CR0587R3: Multiple PLMNs selection in eNodeB Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Revised in S2-105029
S2‑104616 23.272 CR0590R1: Clarification of CSFB indication Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104617 23.272 CR0591R1: Clarification of CSFB indication in Extended Service Request Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in parallel session in S2-105142
S2‑104618 Solution for MSB = 1 in LAC Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104619 [DRAFT] LS on MSB=1 in LAC SA WG2 (Huawei, Hisilicon) Not Handled
S2‑104620 SIPTO connection during the mobility procedure Huawei, Hisilicon, ZTE Noted
S2‑104621 23.060 CR1143R1: Connection management for SIPTO macro mobility_060 Huawei, Hisilicon, ZTE Noted
S2‑104622 23.401 CR1682R1: Connection management for SIPTO macro mobility_401 Huawei, Hisilicon, ZTE Noted
S2‑104623 23.401 CR1779: Correction of Reference Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105181
S2‑104624 23.060 CR1217: Correction of Reference Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105182
S2‑104625 23.060 CR1218: Clarification on the APN congestion control Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104626 23.401 CR1780: NAS level reject per APN for MTC devices Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104627 23.401 CR1781: CN Rejection for MTC devices for PGW Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104628 23.060 CR1219: NAS level reject per APN for MTC devices Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104629 23.060 CR1220: CN Rejection for MTC devices for GGSN Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104630 Time control information broadcasting Huawei, Hisilicon Not Handled
S2‑104631 A solution of MTC Group Based Addressing Huawei, Hisilicon Not Handled
S2‑104632 MTC Server communicates with MTC Devices without exclusive MSISDN via SMS Huawei, Hisilicon Not Handled
S2‑104633 23.060 CR1142R2: Correction of text about ISR handling Huawei, Hisilicon, Nokia Siemens Networks Revised in S2-105100
S2‑104634 23.401 CR1712R1: Notification of release of Non-GBR bearer Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104635 23.060 CR1167R1: Notification of release of Non-GBR bearer Huawei, Hisilicon Not Handled
S2‑104636 23.402 CR0923R1: Notification of release of Non-GBR bearer Huawei, Hisilicon Not Handled
S2‑104637 23.203 CR0440R1: Notification of release of Non-GBR bearer Huawei, Hisilicon Not Handled
S2‑104638 Additional known issue of NAT64 for IPv6 migration Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104639 Solution proposal for providing a network determined location for IMS Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105116
S2‑104640 PCRF selection and S9 session binding for WLAN scenario Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105229
S2‑104641 IPsec tunnel update procedure for the case S2b Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105230
S2‑104642 IPsec tunnel information for Femto Architecture Alternative 2 Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105224
S2‑104643 Correct the femto architecture of alternative 1 Huawei, Hisilicon Not Handled
S2‑104644 H(e)NB management plan QoS control Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105189
S2‑104645 Multiple IPsec tunnel supported in Femto access Huawei, Hisilicon Not Handled
S2‑104646 DSCP modification if routing through third party routing area Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104647 Extending of Policy Architecture to manage Security Policy Control Huawei, Hisilicon. China Unicom Revised in S2-105155
S2‑104648 Extended PCC to support Batch control by a general message over Gx/Gxx Huawei, Hisilicon. China Unicom, NEC Not Handled
S2‑104649 Outline of TR 23.843 (Study on core network Overload) Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105088
S2‑104650 Scope of the study on core network overload Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105089
S2‑104651 Architecture requirements for the study on core network overload Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105090
S2‑104652 Proposed SID: System Enhancements for Energy Efficiency Huawei Revised in S2-105040
S2‑104653 QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits Huawei Noted
S2‑104654 LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network Huawei, Hisilicon, AT&T, TeliaSonera, Verizon Wireless, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Cisco, Juniper, ZTE, NEC, China Mobile, Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105041
S2‑104655 Approaches in the design of the CN overload control mechanisms IPWireless Inc. Noted
S2‑104656 NAT in EPC Cisco Revised in S2-105162
S2‑104657 Document restructuring and cleanup Cisco Noted
S2‑104658 23.060 CR1221: Alignment of selective camping procedures with Stage 3 Telecom Italia Revised in parallel session in S2-105197
S2‑104659 23.060 CR1222: Alignment of selective camping procedures with Stage 3 Telecom Italia Revised in parallel session in S2-105198
S2‑104660 23.401 CR1782: Alignment of selective camping procedures with Stage 3 Telecom Italia Approved
S2‑104661 23.401 CR1783: Alignment of selective camping procedures with Stage 3 Telecom Italia Approved
S2‑104662 QoS control in trusted BBF access with confidentiality protection on S2c Telecom Italia, Qualcomm Incorporated Noted
S2‑104663 Procedure for E-UTRAN to UTRAN/CS video call continuity NTT DOCOMO Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104983
S2‑104664 23.228 CR0951: Solving the issue of inaccurate information presented to ENUM servers Vodafone, ACME Packet, Telenor Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104988
S2‑104665 Minor updates to the WID for OSCAR Vodafone Approved
S2‑104666 Study on Stage 2 aspects of Optimised Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst Roaming Vodafone Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104992
S2‑104667 Proposed text for the Introduction section Vodafone, GENBAND Approved
S2‑104668 Proposed text for the Scope section Vodafone, GENBAND Approved
S2‑104669 Proposed text for Architectural Requirements & Assumptions Vodafone, GENBAND Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104993
S2‑104670 Iu/A Flex - Subsequent Inter-MSC Handover Interactions Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104671 23.401 CR1784: Correction of ISR description for CSFB with suspended PS bearers Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104672 23.401 CR1785: Correction of ISR description for CSFB with suspended PS bearers Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104673 23.401 CR1786: Correction of ISR description for CSFB with suspended PS bearers Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104674 UE behaviour when no LAI is available in CSFB PSHO Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104675 23.272 CR0610: UE behaviour in CSFB PSHO when LAI not available Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104676 23.272 CR0611: UE behaviour in CSFB PSHO when LAI not available Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104677 23.272 CR0612: UE behaviour with ISR active after CSFB with suspended PS bearers Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104678 23.272 CR0613: UE behaviour with ISR active after CSFB with suspended PS bearers Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104679 23.272 CR0614: UE behaviour with ISR active after CSFB with suspended PS bearers Alcatel-Lucent Revised in parallel session in S2-105143
S2‑104680 23.272 CR0615: Notification of suspended bearers in CSFB PSHO Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104681 23.272 CR0616: Notification of suspended bearers in CSFB PSHO Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104682 23.272 CR0617: Notification of suspended bearers in CSFB PSHO Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104683 Discussion on LAC/MMEGID issue Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105022
S2‑104684 23.401 CR1787: Correction to LIPA deactivation Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105023
S2‑104685 23.060 CR1223: Correction to LIPA deactivation Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105024
S2‑104686 Discussion on the handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover (linked with LS C4-102383 from CT WG4) Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104687 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover SA WG2 (Alcatel-Lucent) Revised in S2-105069
S2‑104688 Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent WITHDRAWN
S2‑104689 23.401 CR1789: Correction of eNB F-TEID storage in MME Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104690 23.401 CR1790: eNB addressing in inter-RAT mobility with GTPv1 Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104691 23.401 CR1791: CSG List and VPLMN autonomous CSG roaming Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105065
S2‑104692 23.060 CR1224: CSG List and VPLMN autonomous CSG roaming Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105066
S2‑104693 [DRAFT] LS on CSG access in VPLMN SA WG2 (Alcatel-Lucent) Revised in S2-105067
S2‑104694 23.401 CR1792: New Modify Access Bearers procedure Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104695 23.401 CR1793: MABR procedure at inter-MME intra-SGW TAU procedure Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104696 Discussion on Inter-System Routing Policies for MAPCON Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104697 23.402 CR0934: Correction on Inter-System Routing Policies for MAPCON Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104698 23.060 CR1225: Restricting IPv6 interface identifier generation to protect usage patterns Vodafone Revised in S2-105160
S2‑104699 23.401 CR1794: Restricting IPv6 interface identifier generation to protect usage patterns Vodafone Revised in S2-105161
S2‑104700 23.401 CR1795: Corrections and additions to the MTC specific ACB and RRC connection reject functions Panasonic Revised in S2-105079
S2‑104701 23.060 CR1226: Corrections and additions to the MTC specific ACB and RR(C) connection reject functions Panasonic Revised in S2-105080
S2‑104702 23.272 CR0606R1: Update to references Vodafone Not Handled
S2‑104703 23.401 CR1796: LIPA PDP Context Activation Procedure Panasonic, Qualcomm Incorporated, ZTE, RIM WITHDRAWN
S2‑104704 Policy control based on network condition China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Panasonic, ZTE, Allot Communication, Telcordia, NEC Revised in S2-105092
S2‑104705 Interaction of ANDSF with enhanced policy framework Panasonic, NEC Noted
S2‑104706 Alternative solution for service based traffic steering Panasonic Not Handled
S2‑104707 How MSC select SGSN in Alt3 Huawei, HiSilicon Approved
S2‑104708 Bearer setup for GERAN without DTM support Huawei, HiSilicon Noted
S2‑104709 Definition of Alias Public User Identities Huawei, HiSilicon Noted
S2‑104710 MBR>GBR handling in the UE Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in S2-105030
S2‑104711 [DRAFT] Reply LS on MBR>GBR handling in the UE SA WG2 (Qualcomm Incorporated) Noted
S2‑104712 23.272 CR0618: Correction to CSFB MO flow AT&T Not Handled
S2‑104713 PCRF based Solution - S9* Call Flows for 3GPP Femto and WLAN Roaming Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105186
S2‑104714 TS 23.402 Call Flows for 3GPP Femto PCRF Solution Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑104715 3GPP Femto Location Verification Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105187
S2‑104716 3GPP Femto PCRF Solution - Tunnel Information and BPCF FQDN Propagation in the EPC Network Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105225
S2‑104717 LS on 3GPP - BBF Interworking - H(e)NB Location Verification SA WG2 (Alcatel-Lucent) WITHDRAWN
S2‑104718 Key Issue-3 - Alternative solution 3 - Gy and Gx Enhancement Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105185
S2‑104719 Key Issue-3 - comparison between Sy and Gy+Gx solutions Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104720 23.401 CR1797: UE Priority Indication in MME Procedures Alcatel-Lucent; Verizon? Noted
S2‑104721 23.401 CR1798: Detach a UE from the network during a mobility event if the UE has only LIPA PDN connections Research In Motion UK, Ltd. Noted
S2‑104722 23.401 CR1799: Inter-RAT Handover for always-on APNs Research In Motion UK, Ltd., Samsung Noted
S2‑104723 23.401 CR1800: Inter-RAT Handover for always-on APNs Research In Motion UK, Ltd., Samsung Noted
S2‑104724 23.060 CR1227: Inter-RAT Handover for always-on APNs Research In Motion UK, Ltd., Samsung Noted
S2‑104725 23.060 CR1228: Inter-RAT Handover for always-on APNs Research In Motion UK, Ltd., Samsung Noted
S2‑104726 23.401 CR1801: Indication of SIPTO routing Research in motion UK Ltd. Not Handled
S2‑104727 23.060 CR1229: Indication of SIPTO routing Research in motion UK Ltd. Not Handled
S2‑104728 Reference Version 1.1.1 of TR 23975 China Mobile Noted
S2‑104729 Solution description of PNAT China Mobile Revised in S2-105121
S2‑104730 23.060 CR1230: Clarification of Iu Release Procedure in UTRAN to E-UTRAN Inter RAT handover NTC, NTT DOCOMO Not Handled
S2‑104731 Overload Control based on draft-hilt-sipping-overload Nokia Siemens Networks Merged into S2-104981
S2‑104732 Overload Control based on draft-shen-sipping-load-control-event-package Nokia Siemens Networks Merged into S2-104981
S2‑104733 Correction of Fixes in Section Nokia Siemens Networks Approved
S2‑104734 Conclusion on P-CSCF Overload Protection Nokia Siemens Networks Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104982
S2‑104735 23.228 CR0953: P-CSCF Overload Handling during IMS registration Nokia Siemens Networks Noted
S2‑104736 Policy Enhancements, Key issue 4: Enforcement actions and remaining flows Allot Communications, Vodafone, Telcordia, Camiant, GENBAND Revised in S2-105107
S2‑104737 Policy Enhancements, Key issue 4: roaming with home routed access and LBO Allot Communications, Vodafone, Telcordia, Camiant, GENBAND, AT&T Noted
S2‑104738 Policy Enhancements, Key issue 4: standalone TDF session initiation Allot Communications, Vodafone, Telcordia, Camiant, GENBAND, AT&T Noted
S2‑104739 Service Awareness and Privacy Policies Allot Communications, GENBAND, Telcordia, AT&T, Camiant, Vodafone Revised in S2-105222
S2‑104740 23.401 CR1802: Voice bearer deactivation for SRVCC NTT DOCOMO WITHDRAWN
S2‑104741 Draft LS on Clarification of use cases taking advantage of network verified location SA WG2 (Telefonica) Revised in S2-105102
S2‑104742 Network Provided Location Information for IMS Telefonica Revised in S2-105037
S2‑104743 23.221 CR0120: Removing reference to terminations from section 7.2a Samsung, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104744 [Draft] Reply LS on the Usage of MBR and GBR bearers in MTSI SA WG2 (Samsung) Revised in S2-105068
S2‑104745 23.237 CR0334: PS-CS Single Radio Access transfer for vSRVCC NEC, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104978
S2‑104746 Bearer identification for vSRVCC Samsung Noted
S2‑104747 23.203 CR0460: Standardise use of QCI-2 for synchronised video Samsung Noted
S2‑104748 New WID for SRVCC for Video Call KT, LG Electronics, NEC, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung Revised in S2-105043
S2‑104749 LIPA Multicast Support and MBMS Service Samsung Noted
S2‑104750 23.060 CR1232: Correction for LIPA Multicast Support and MBMS Service Samsung Noted
S2‑104751 Adding Session Modification as trigger for retrieval of the UE position Deutsche Telekom Revised in S2-105117
S2‑104752 Making allowance for multiple architecture solutions Deutsche Telekom Revised in S2-105106
S2‑104753 MSBit=1 in LAC Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104754 23.060 CR1233: Handling of preservation with network initiated bearers Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104755 23.401 CR1803: Reporting of location in TAU without MME change Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104756 23.401 CR1804: Reporting of location in TAU without MME change Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104757 23.401 CR1805: Reporting of location in TAU without MME change Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104758 23.060 CR1234: Handling of E-ARP if HLR/HSS does not provide subscribed E-ARP Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in parallel session in S2-105201
S2‑104759 23.203 CR0461: Setting IP-CAN priority status for eMPS Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105094
S2‑104760 - Ericsson, ST-Ericsson WITHDRAWN
S2‑104761 23.272 CR0619: Clarification on CSFB in idle mode Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in parallel session in S2-105144
S2‑104762 23.272 CR0620: Clarification on CSFB in idle mode Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in parallel session in S2-105145
S2‑104763 23.272 CR0621: Clarification on PLMN selection for CSFB Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104764 23.272 CR0622: Clarification on PLMN selection for CSFB Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104765 23.203 CR0445R1: PS-to-CS HO indicator impacts to PCC Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104766 23.203 CR-: PS-to-CS HO indicator impacts to PCC Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104767 Details on Sy reference point Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105111
S2‑104768 Signalling comparison between using Sy and Gy+Gx Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104769 Details on Alternative 1a of Key issue Service Awareness and Privacy Policies Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104770 Use cases and requirements for key issue #3 Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104771 Use cases and requirements for key issue #3 Ericsson, ST-Ericsson WITHDRAWN
S2‑104772 23.401 CR1806: Correction of network triggered service request. Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑104773 IPv6 migration with NAT44 Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Nokia Revised in S2-105164
S2‑104774 IPv6-only combined with DNS64/NAT64 Ericsson, ST Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in S2-105165
S2‑104775 23.401 CR1807: Packet handling for LIPA during paging Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104776 23.401 CR1808: Trigger for providing LGW address Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105169
S2‑104777 23.401 CR1809: Sending the LIPA correlation id during Service Request Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Qualcomm Inc Noted
S2‑104778 23.060 CR1235: Packet handling for LIPA during paging Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104779 23.060 CR1236: Trigger for providing LGW address Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105170
S2‑104780 23.060 CR1237: Sending the LIPA correlation id during Service Request Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Qualcomm Inc Revised in S2-105172
S2‑104781 23.271 CR0389: Correction of Service Type assignments Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104782 Elaborating TFT filter support for IPv6 prefix delegation, IP version etc. Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104783 23.060 CR1238: Declaring support for extended TFT filter format Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104784 23.060 CR1239: Local address and IP address type in the TFT filter Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104785 23.060 CR1240: Uplink traffic mapping Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104786 23.401 CR1810: Declaring support for extended TFT filter format Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104787 23.401 CR1811: Uplink traffic mapping Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104788 23.203 CR0462: Declaring support for extended TFT filter format Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104789 rSRVCC update of Solution 3 Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, LG Electronics Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104980
S2‑104790 Operator control of vSRVCC Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104791 Reflection on Bearer identification for vSRVCC handover Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104792 Architectural requirements for eMPS SRVCC Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104793 23.237 CR0335: Cleanup of PS - CS Access Transfer: Conferencing - for UEs not using ICS capabilities Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑104794 NetLoc analysis of functional entities that require location Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105108
S2‑104795 Legacy NetLoc mechanisms Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105110
S2‑104796 23.401 CR1812: Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105070
S2‑104797 23.401 CR1813: Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105071
S2‑104798 23.228 CR0954: P-CSCF subscriber policy alignment CR Research in Motion, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104989
S2‑104799 23.401 CR1814: Correction to the PDN GW initiated QoS update NEC, NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-104965
S2‑104800 23.401 CR1815: Correction to the PDN GW initiated QoS update NEC, NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105203
S2‑104801 23.401 CR1816: Correction to the PDN GW initiated QoS update NEC, NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105204
S2‑104802 Bulk Signalling Handling Solution for MTC Congestion Control NEC Not Handled
S2‑104803 Potential of Bulk Signalling for MTC Overload Control NEC Not Handled
S2‑104804 Optimal P-GW indication in TAU response NEC Not Handled
S2‑104805 23.401 CR1817: Optimal P-GW indication in TAU response NEC Not Handled
S2‑104806 23.060 CR1241: Clarification of LIPA function for HNBs (UMTS) NEC Revised in S2-105183
S2‑104807 Issues with establishment of additional PDN connections to the same APN NEC Not Handled
S2‑104808 Policy Enhancements Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T Revised in S2-105120
S2‑104809 NetLoc requirements clarifications Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105105
S2‑104810 NetLoc architecture alternative Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑104811 Update of WID to add csg-id Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104812 Update of Scope to add csg-id Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104813 SIP Overload control Alcatel-Lucent Merged into S2-104981
S2‑104814 23.237 CR0336: eSRVCC clarifications Alcatel-Lucent Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104969
S2‑104815 rSRVCC discussion document Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑104816 23.272 CR0602R1: Use of ICS with CSFB Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105036
S2‑104817 23.272 CR0623: Use of ICS with CSFB Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105257
S2‑104818 23.272 CR0624: Use of ICS with CSFB Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105258
S2‑104819 23.401 CR1818: Taking MTC indication into account in MME load balancing China Mobile Noted
S2‑104820 23.401 CR1819: Update 23.401 NAS level reject per APN China Mobile Noted
S2‑104821 23.060 CR1242: Update 23.060 NAS level reject per APN China Mobile Noted
S2‑104822 23.060 CR1243: Storage of low prio indicator Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in parallel session in S2-105053
S2‑104823 23.401 CR1820: Storage of low prio indicator Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in parallel session in S2-105054
S2‑104824 23.060 CR1244: Clarification of the usage of low priority and MTC indicators Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104825 23.401 CR1821: Clarification of the usage of low priority and MTC indicators Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104826 Rel-11 NIMTC feature discussion in the context of SLA Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104827 23.402 CR0935: Declaring support for extended TFT filter format Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104828 23.401 CR1822: Missed corrections for time zone reporting Cisco Revised in S2-105081
S2‑104829 23.401 CR1823: Missed corrections for time zone reporting Cisco Revised in S2-105082
S2‑104830 23.401 CR1824: Deactivating direct path during S1 Release for LIPA Motorola Revised in S2-105184
S2‑104831 23.401 CR1825: Deactivate LIPA on TAU from another cell even at the same MME Motorola Noted
S2‑104832 23.272 CR0625: Removal of SGs association on non-combined TAU Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104833 23.272 CR0626: Removal of SGs association on non-combined TAU Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104834 23.401 CR1826: UE Context Modification(CSFB) retry when X2 HO fails Motorola, Qualcomm Revised in parallel session in S2-105216
S2‑104835 23.401 CR1827: UE Context Modification(CSFB) retry when X2 HO fails Motorola, Qualcomm Revised in parallel session in S2-105217
S2‑104836 23.401 CR1828: DDN includes ARP only if network support MPS Motorola Noted
S2‑104837 23.237 CR0337: Corrections to IUT media flow replication by network subclauses InterDigital Communications Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104970
S2‑104838 Informing new Controller of Session information InterDigital Communications Noted
S2‑104839 23.237 CR0338: Option1: Perform Session Discovery after becoming new Controller UE InterDigital Commuications Noted
S2‑104840 23.237 CR0339: Option 2: Session information is sent by SCC AS to target Controller UE in Collaborative Session Control transfer request InterDigital Commuications Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104971
S2‑104841 23.237 CR0340: Option 3: Source Controller UE provides session/media information to Target Controller InterDigital Commuications Noted
S2‑104842 23.237 CR0341: Option 4: Session Discovery Procedures are included in the procedures for transfer of Collaborative Session Control InterDigital Commuications Noted
S2‑104843 23.203 CR0463: Clarification of PCC support during IFOM InterDigital Communications Not Handled
S2‑104844 Support of 'PS Only' Feature in GPRS/UMTS for MTC InterDigital Communications Not Handled
S2‑104845 4.1 LI scenario - need to track cell id during session Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104846 5.2 - LRF and non LRF requirement Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104847 Co-existence between IMS and ANDSF policies. Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104848 3GPP-based access authentication over BBF when WLAN is used Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104849 3GPP-based access authentication over BBF when WLAN is used Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104850 ePDG selection by IFOM-capable UEs Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104851 23.402 CR0936: ePDG selection by IFOM-capable UEs Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104852 23.261 CR0009: ePDG selection by IFOM-capable UEs Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104853 23.402 CR0937: UE behavior when receiving ISRP from VPLMN and HPLMN Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104854 23.402 CR0938: UE behavior when receiving ISRP from VPLMN and HPLMN Motorola Not Handled
S2‑104855 - Motorola WITHDRAWN
S2‑104856 LS from SA WG3: LS on How to differentiate RN and UE SA WG3 (S3-101107) Noted
S2‑104857 LS from ECMA TC32: Work on second edition ECMA TR/101 on Emergency Calls ECMA TC32 (tc32-tg17-2010-048-Rev1) Noted
S2‑104858 CS PLMN reselection requirement for CSFB and RAT/LA checking Nokia Siemens Networks Not Handled
S2‑104859 23.272 CR0627: CS PLMN reselection requirement for CSFB Nokia Siemens Networks Not Handled
S2‑104860 23.272 CR0628: CS PLMN reselection requirement for CSFB and RAT/LA checking Nokia Siemens Networks Not Handled
S2‑104861 Proposal on how MSC identifies SGSN in Solution 3 Nokia Siemens Networks Noted
S2‑104862 Indicating LIPA availability at a H(e)NB to the UE Qualcomm Incorporated Not Handled
S2‑104863 23.401 CR1829: Indicating LIPA availability at a H(e)NB to the UE Qualcomm Incorporated Not Handled
S2‑104864 MAPCON support in BBF Access Interworking Architecture (Building Block I) LG Electronics Not Handled
S2‑104865 23.002 CR0228: Correction on the protocol of S2b interface LG Electronics Not Handled
S2‑104866 23.401 CR1830: Corrections to usage of low priority and MTC indicators Intel Noted
S2‑104867 23.060 CR1245: Corrections to usage of low priority and MTC indicators Intel Noted
S2‑104868 Rel-11 SIMTC feature work plan Alcatel-Lucent, Samsung, TNO Not Handled
S2‑104869 23.237 CR0342: IUT: Adding descriptions related to the roles of Controller UE and Controllee UE LG Electronics, Huawei Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104972
S2‑104870 23.237 CR0343: IUT: Transfer of Collaborative Session Control initiated by the target UE LG Electronics, InterDigital Communications Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104973
S2‑104871 23.237 CR0344: IUT: Restructuring and Clarifying subclause for Controller UE initiated modify media LG Electronics Approved
S2‑104872 23.060 CR1246: Clarifying the condition for a MS configured for MTC to perform Attach procedure CATT Revised in S2-105083
S2‑104873 23.401 CR1831: Clarifying the condition for a UE configured for MTC to perform Attach procedure CATT Revised in S2-105084
S2‑104874 23.401 CR1832: Rejecting Service Request Procedure CATT Noted
S2‑104875 23.401 CR1833: Delete Subscription Data when recovered from congestion CATT Noted
S2‑104876 23.060 CR1247: UE support the NAS back-off timer CATT Noted
S2‑104877 NetLoc clarifications for charging use case Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105109
S2‑104878 23.401 CR1834: UE support the NAS back-off timer CATT Noted
S2‑104879 23.401 CR1835: PGW selection for APN congestion CATT Noted
S2‑104880 23.401 CR1836: Update related procedures for APN based congestion control CATT Noted
S2‑104881 23.060 CR1248: Storage information update for low priority and MTC indication CATT Noted
S2‑104882 23.401 CR1837: Storage information update for low priority and MTC indication CATT Noted
S2‑104883 23.401 CR1838: Addition of correlation identifier for LIPA in service request procedure CATT Revised in S2-105134
S2‑104884 23.401 CR1839: Transmission of L-GW address in TAU and Service Request procedure CATT Noted
S2‑104885 23.060 CR1250: Clarification on Gateway Selection for LIPA CATT Noted
S2‑104886 23.401 CR1841: The PDN disconnection procedure during S1 HO procedure CATT Noted
S2‑104887 23.401 CR1842: The PDN disconnection procedure during S1 HO procedure CATT Noted
S2‑104888 23.401 CR1843: The PDN disconnection procedure during S1 HO procedure CATT Noted
S2‑104889 23.401 CR1844: Start UE Deactivate ISR Timer CATT Noted
S2‑104890 23.401 CR1845: Start UE Deactivate ISR Timer CATT Noted
S2‑104891 23.401 CR1846: Start UE Deactivate ISR Timer CATT Noted
S2‑104892 23.401 CR1847: Signalling release procedure in the TAU without 'active flag' procedure CATT Noted
S2‑104893 23.401 CR1848: Signalling release procedure in the TAU without 'active flag' procedure CATT Noted
S2‑104894 23.401 CR1849: Signalling release procedure in the TAU without 'active flag' procedure CATT Noted
S2‑104895 [DRAFT] Reply LS on MBR>GBR handling in the UE SA WG2 (Nokia) Not Handled
S2‑104896 23.401 CR1729R2: Clarification of Delete Session request information elements Nokia Siemens Networks, Huawei Revised in S2-105101
S2‑104897 23.401 CR1850: Clarification of S1 Overload Control functionality Nokia Siemens Networks Not Handled
S2‑104898 23.203 CR0464: The clarification to groups of services data flows China Unicom, Huawei, ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104899 23.203 CR0465: The clarification to groups of services data flows China Unicom, Huawei, ZTE Not Handled
S2‑104900 23.401 CR1851: Efficient SIPTO GW re-selection China Mobile Revised in S2-105122
S2‑104901 23.060 CR1249: Efficient SIPTO GW re-selection China Mobile Revised in S2-105177
S2‑104902 23.402 CR0939: Correction in handovers between E-UTRAN and HRPD Nokia Siemens Networks Not Handled
S2‑104903 [DRAFT] Reply LS on MTU in 3GPP system SA WG2 (Nokia Siemens Networks) Revised in S2-105207
S2‑104904 LIPA handover Problem Nokia Siemens Networks Noted
S2‑104905 23.401 CR1852: Handover corrections for LIPA Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Noted
S2‑104906 23.060 CR1251: X2-based handover correction for LIPA Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Noted
S2‑104907 23.060 CR1252: LIPA corrections in Service Request procedures Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in S2-105156
S2‑104908 23.401 CR1853: LIPA corrections in Service Request procedures Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in S2-105157
S2‑104909 MSB=1 issues and thoughts on way forward Vodafone Noted
S2‑104910 - Vodafone WITHDRAWN
S2‑104911 23.401 CR1854: HSS functionality missing from 23.401 Vodafone Not Handled
S2‑104912 23.272 CR0629: MTC related NNSF in MME for SMS over SGs Vodafone Revised in parallel session in S2-105051
S2‑104913 23.236 CR0042: Extra text on NNSF for MTC Vodafone Revised in parallel session in S2-105052
S2‑104914 - Vodafone WITHDRAWN
S2‑104915 23.216 CR0158: Stage 2-stage 3 alignment of the GPRS Attach procedure for SRVCC LG Electronics Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104977
S2‑104916 rSRVCC compatibility with SRVCC release 10 architecture LG Electronics Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104979
S2‑104917 Proposed solutions for enabling the MSC to find the source SGSN in Alternative 3 LG Electronics Noted
S2‑104918 23.401 CR1856: Clarification of procedures for rejecting a UE configured for low priority and/or MTC LG Electronics Not Handled
S2‑104919 23.060 CR1253: Clarification of procedures for rejecting a UE configured for low priority and/or MTC LG Electronics Not Handled
S2‑104920 23.002 CR0229: Correction of MGCF definition to make it consistent with TS 29.235 Orange Approved
S2‑104921 23.002 CR0230: Correction of MGCF definition to make it consistent with TS 29.235 Orange Approved
S2‑104922 23.002 CR0231: Correction of MGCF definition to make it consistent with TS 29.235 Orange Approved
S2‑104923 23.167 CR0182: Retrieval of reference location for emergency session routed via the S-CSCF Orange Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104974
S2‑104924 Overload Control methods Orange Merged into S2-104981
S2‑104925 TR 23.885 v1.0.0 Orange Approved
S2‑104926 Move NAT64/DNS64 to clause 7 Orange Noted
S2‑104927 Additional IPv6 Transition Solution: IPv4-on demand Orange Not Handled
S2‑104928 Additional IPv6 transition solution: Per-Interface NAT Orange Noted
S2‑104929 A+P architecture update Orange Not Handled
S2‑104930 IPv6 Migration Recommendations Orange Revised in S2-105166
S2‑104932 23.060 CR1254: Handling of E-ARP if HLR/HSS does not provide subscribed E-ARP Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in parallel session in S2-105200
S2‑104933 23.401 CR1857: UE Time Zone reporting corrections Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104934 23.401 CR1858: UE Time Zone reporting corrections Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑104935 23.060 CR1255: Signalling IMSI at Attach/PLMN change for Iu mode Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Not Handled
S2‑104936 23.060 CR1256: Clarification of term MS configured for MTC Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in parallel session in S2-105049
S2‑104937 23.060 CR1257: Replace the term priority user by service user Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Noted
S2‑104938 23.401 CR1859: Clarification of the term UE configured for MTC Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in parallel session in S2-105050
S2‑104939 23.401 CR1860: Clarification of back-off timer usage Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in S2-105078
S2‑104940 Key issue 4: Distributed policy enforcement Nokia Siemens Networks Noted
S2‑104941 Key issue 4: Roles of standalone TDF and PCRF Nokia Siemens Networks Noted
S2‑104942 LIPA PDN connection deactivation Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104943 23.401 CR1861: LIPA PDN connection deactivation_401 Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104944 23.060 CR1258: LIPA PDN connection deactivation_060 Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑104945 23.167 CR0183: Terminology correction Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104984
S2‑104946 23.401 CR1862: Optimised paging for Local IP Access LG Electronics Not Handled
S2‑104947 23.060 CR1259: Optimised paging for Local IP Access LG Electronics Not Handled
S2‑104948 23.401 CR1863: Clarifications on Correlation ID LG Electronics Revised in S2-105159
S2‑104949 23.060 CR1260: Clarification on Correlation ID LG Electronics Approved
S2‑104950 Access to private networks with S2b LG Electronics Revised in S2-105025
S2‑104951 23.402 CR0940: Addition of Protocol Configuration Options in SWu and S2b signalling LG Electronics, Alcatel-Lucent, Verizon Wireless, KDDI, NEC Not Handled
S2‑104952 Traffic steering across multiple PDN connections over 3GPP access LG Electronics Revised in S2-105026
S2‑104953 23.060 CR1261: PDP Type Ipv4v6 in pre-rel 8 SGSN, aligning with CT1 Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in parallel session in S2-105208
S2‑104954 23.060 CR1262: PDP Type Ipv4v6 in pre-rel 8 SGSN, aligning with CT1 Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in parallel session in S2-105209
S2‑104955 23.060 CR1263: AMBR correction Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in parallel session in S2-105212
S2‑104956 23.060 CR1264: AMBR correction Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in parallel session in S2-105213
S2‑104957 23.401 CR1864: MTC Low priority Indicator delivery Qualcomm Incorporated Noted
S2‑104958 23.060 CR1265: MTC Low priority Indicator delivery Qualcomm Incorporated Noted
S2‑104959 Discussion on HSS overload scenarios and solutions Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in S2-105091
S2‑104960 23.221 CR0121: Attempting CS voice call with SIP URI only Research in Motion Not Handled
S2‑104961 NAS level attach reject in 2G-3G KPN Noted
S2‑104962 23.060 CR1266: NAS level reject of Attach KPN Revised in S2-105123
S2‑104963 Continuation of study item 'Study on enhancements to IMS border control functions for advanced IMS interconnection of services' into work item KPN Noted
S2‑104964 Updated WID on Advanced Interconnection of Services KPN Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104975
S2‑104965 23.401 CR1814R1: Correction to the PDN GW initiated QoS update NEC, NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105202
S2‑104966 23.203 CR0466: Introduction of Sponsorship Identity and removal of time interval for Sponsored connectivity Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Not Handled
S2‑104967 Criteria for rSRVCC ZTE Approved
S2‑104968 Reply LS to CT WG4 on MSISDN relationship with C-MSISDN SA WG2 Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104994
S2‑104969 23.237 CR0336R1: eSRVCC clarifications Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑104970 23.237 CR0337R1: Corrections to IUT media flow replication by network subclauses InterDigital Communications Approved
S2‑104971 23.237 CR0339R1: Option 2: Session information is sent by SCC AS to target Controller UE in Collaborative Session Control transfer request InterDigital Commuications Approved
S2‑104972 23.237 CR0342R1: IUT: Adding descriptions related to the roles of Controller UE and Controllee UE LG Electronics, Huawei Approved
S2‑104973 23.237 CR0343R1: IUT: Transfer of Collaborative Session Control initiated by the target UE LG Electronics, InterDigital Communications Approved
S2‑104974 23.167 CR0182R1: Retrieval of reference location for emergency session routed via the S-CSCF Orange Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104998
S2‑104975 Updated WID on Advanced Interconnection of Services KPN Revised in S2-105239
S2‑104976 23.216 CR0155R1: TMSI relocation in SRVCC ZTE Approved
S2‑104977 23.216 CR0158R1: Stage 2-stage 3 alignment of the GPRS Attach procedure for SRVCC LG Electronics Revised in S2-105238
S2‑104978 23.237 CR0334R1: PS-CS Single Radio Access transfer for vSRVCC NEC, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104996
S2‑104979 rSRVCC compatibility with SRVCC release 10 architecture LG Electronics Approved
S2‑104980 rSRVCC update of Solution 3 Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, LG Electronics Approved
S2‑104981 Overload Control Alternatives Nokia Siemens Networks, Orange, Alcatel-Lucent Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104997
S2‑104982 Conclusion on P-CSCF Overload Protection Nokia Siemens Networks Approved
S2‑104983 Procedure for E-UTRAN to UTRAN/CS video call continuity NTT DOCOMO Noted
S2‑104984 23.167 CR0183R1: Terminology correction Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom Approved
S2‑104985 23.167 CR0180R1: Adding IMS Emergency support for HRPD with EPC IP-CAN Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑104986 23.167 CR0181R1: Adding IMS Emergency support for HRPD with EPC IP-CAN Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑104987 23.228 CR0950R1: UE behaviour upon revocation of dedicated bearer(s) for an ongoing IMS session Verizon Wireless, Cisco Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104995
S2‑104988 23.228 CR0951R1: Solving the issue of inaccurate information presented to ENUM servers Vodafone, ACME Packet, Telenor, TeliaSonera Approved
S2‑104989 23.228 CR0954R1: P-CSCF subscriber policy alignment CR Research in Motion, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑104990 Skeleton for TR 23.844 China Mobile Approved
S2‑104991 Scope for TR 23.844 China Mobile Approved
S2‑104992 Study on Stage 2 aspects of Optimised Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst Roaming Vodafone Approved
S2‑104993 Proposed text for Architectural Requirements & Assumptions Vodafone, GENBAND Approved
S2‑104994 [DRAFT] LS reply on MSISDN relationship with C-MSISDN SA WG2 Revised in S2-105237
S2‑104995 23.228 CR0950R2: UE behaviour upon revocation of dedicated bearer(s) for an ongoing IMS session Verizon Wireless, Cisco Approved
S2‑104996 23.237 CR0334R2: PS-CS Single Radio Access transfer for vSRVCC NEC, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung Noted
S2‑104997 Overload Control Alternatives Nokia Siemens Networks, Orange, Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑104998 23.167 CR0182R2: Retrieval of reference location for emergency session routed via the S-CSCF Orange Revised in IMS SWG to S2-104999
S2‑104999 23.167 CR0182R3: Retrieval of reference location for emergency session routed via the S-CSCF Orange Approved
S2‑105000 Report on the IMS SWG IMS SWG Chairman Approved
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S2‑105017 IUT: Clarification on informing new Controller UE of Collaborative Session information LG Electronics Noted
S2‑105018 23.237 CR0345: IUT: Clarification on informing new Controller UE of Collaborative Session information LG Electronics Noted
S2‑105019 LS from SA WG3: Progress on relay node security SA WG3 (S3-101105) Noted
S2‑105020 LS from SA WG3: LS on OAM security and OAM connection issues of RN SA WG3 (S3-101119) Noted
S2‑105021 LS from SA WG5: LS reply on Location Information for MDT SA WG5 (S5-102526) Postponed to meeting #82
S2‑105022 Discussion on LAC/MMEGID issue Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T Noted
S2‑105023 23.401 CR1787R1: Correction to LIPA deactivation Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑105024 23.060 CR1223R1: Correction to LIPA deactivation Alcatel-Lucent Not Handled
S2‑105025 Access to private networks with S2b LG Electronics Not Handled
S2‑105026 Traffic steering across multiple PDN connections over 3GPP access LG Electronics Not Handled
S2‑105027 E-PLMN List usage for registered CS PLMN Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Noted
S2‑105028 23.272 CR0586R4: Multiple PLMNs selection in eNodeB Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Revised in parallel session in S2-105135
S2‑105029 23.272 CR0587R4: Multiple PLMNs selection in eNodeB Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Revised in parallel session in S2-105136
S2‑105030 MBR>GBR handling in the UE Qualcomm Incorporated, Alcatel-Lucent, Orange, Deutsche Telekom Noted
S2‑105031 - ZTE, … WITHDRAWN
S2‑105032 Draft Agenda for SA WG2 meeting #81 SA WG2 Chairman Revised in S2-105033
S2‑105033 Draft Agenda for SA WG2 meeting #81 SA WG2 Chairman Approved
S2‑105034 Draft report of SA WG2 meeting #80 SA WG2 Secretary Approved
S2‑105035 Reply LS on MBR to be greater than GBR for MBMS services SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105036 23.272 CR0602R2: Use of ICS procedures with CSFB Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105256
S2‑105037 Network Provided Location Information for IMS Alcatel-Lucent, Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica, Rogers Wireless, Fujitsu Noted
S2‑105038 Update to Network Improvements for Machine Type Communication Samsung, Verizon Wireless, Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T, Motorola, Cisco, Qualcomm Europe, Panasonic, Orange, Sierra Wireless, Vodafone, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, Huawei, ... Approved
S2‑105039 Update to System Improvements for Machine Type Communication KPN, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Sierra , Samsung, Verizon , Nokia Siemens Networks, Panasonic, Huawei, Intel, China Mobile, Interdigital, NEC, ZTE, Telecom Italia, Motorola, LG, Alcatel-Lucent, TeliaSonera, Sagem, Orange, HTC Revised in S2-105314
S2‑105040 Proposed SID: System Enhancements for Energy Efficiency Huawei Noted
S2‑105041 LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network Huawei, Hisilicon, AT&T, TeliaSonera, Verizon Wireless, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Cisco, Juniper, ZTE, NEC, China Mobile, Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105235
S2‑105042 Update to 'Local IP Access and Selected IP Traffic Offload' WID Huawei (rapporteur) Revised in S2-105316
S2‑105043 New WID for SRVCC for Video Call KT, LG Electronics, NEC, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung Revised in S2-105236
S2‑105044 WID: Traffic steering across multiple PDN connections over 3GPP access LG Electronics WITHDRAWN
S2‑105045 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Clarification on the NIMTC interim conclusions SA WG2 (Samsung) Revised in S2-105073
S2‑105046 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Comments on Rel-10 issues for NIMTC SA WG2 (Samsung) Revised in S2-105074
S2‑105047 23.401 CR1761R1: OTA configuration for MTC Sierra Wireless Revised in S2-105296
S2‑105048 23.060 CR1206R1: OTA configuration for MTC Sierra Wireless Revised in S2-105297
S2‑105049 23.060 CR1256R1: Clarification of term MS configured for MTC Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in S2-105131
S2‑105050 23.401 CR1859R1: Clarification of the term UE configured for MTC Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in S2-105132
S2‑105051 23.272 CR0629R1: MTC related NNSF in MME for SMS over SGs Vodafone Approved
S2‑105052 23.236 CR0042R1: Extra text on NNSF for MTC Vodafone Approved
S2‑105053 23.060 CR1243R1: Storage of low prio indicator Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑105054 23.401 CR1820R1: Storage of low prio indicator Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Noted
S2‑105055 23.401 CR1760R1: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless, Intel Revised in S2-105129
S2‑105056 23.060 CR1205R1: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless Revised in S2-105130
S2‑105057 23.401 CR1642R2: MME overload control by throttling of DL low priority traffic Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105125
S2‑105058 23.060 CR1117R2: SGSN overload control by throttling of DL low priority traffic Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105126
S2‑105059 - - WITHDRAWN
S2‑105060 - - WITHDRAWN
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S2‑105062 - - WITHDRAWN
S2‑105063 - - WITHDRAWN
S2‑105064 - - WITHDRAWN
S2‑105065 CSG List and VPLMN autonomous CSG roaming Alcatel-Lucent WITHDRAWN
S2‑105066 CSG List and VPLMN autonomous CSG roaming Alcatel-Lucent WITHDRAWN
S2‑105067 [DRAFT] LS on CSG access in VPLMN SA WG2 (Alcatel-Lucent) Revised in S2-105304
S2‑105068 [Draft] Reply LS on the Usage of MBR and GBR bearers in MTSI SA WG2 (Samsung) Revised in S2-105305
S2‑105069 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover SA WG2 (Alcatel-Lucent) Revised in S2-105252
S2‑105070 23.401 CR1812R1: Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105253
S2‑105071 23.401 CR1813R1: Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105254
S2‑105072 23.251 CR0023: Introduction of MOCN GERAN Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑105073 Reply LS on Clarification on the NIMTC interim conclusions SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105074 Reply LS on Comments on Rel-10 issues for NIMTC SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105075 Draft LS to CT WG1 on NAS level attach reject in 2G-3G SA WG2 (Huawei) Revised in S2-105289
S2‑105076 23.401 CR1767R1: Include session management back-off timer for priority users/emergency services during APN based congestion control HTC Revised in S2-105290
S2‑105077 23.060 CR1207R1: Include session management back-off timer for priority users/emergency services during APN based congestion control HTC Revised in S2-105291
S2‑105078 23.401 CR1860R1: Clarification of back-off timer usage Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Noted
S2‑105079 23.401 CR1795R1: Corrections and additions to the MTC specific ACB and RRC connection reject functions Panasonic Approved
S2‑105080 23.060 CR1226R1: Corrections and additions to the MTC specific ACB and RR(C) connection reject functions Panasonic Approved
S2‑105081 23.401 CR1822R1: Missed corrections for time zone reporting Cisco Revised in parallel session in S2-105210
S2‑105082 23.401 CR1823R1: Missed corrections for time zone reporting Cisco Revised in parallel session in S2-105211
S2‑105083 23.060 CR1246R1: Clarifying the condition for a MS configured for MTC to perform Attach procedure CATT Approved
S2‑105084 23.401 CR1831R1: Clarifying the condition for a UE configured for MTC to perform Attach procedure CATT Approved
S2‑105085 23.060 CR1216R1: Clarification on MTC Access Class Barring Samsung Revised in S2-105250
S2‑105086 23.401 CR1775R1: Clarification on MTC Access Class Barring Samsung Revised in S2-105251
S2‑105087 23.060 CR1213R1: Clarification for NMO behaviour of MTC devices Samsung Revised in S2-105295
S2‑105088 Outline of TR 23.843 (Study on core network Overload) Huawei, Hisilicon Agreed
S2‑105089 Scope of the study on core network overload Huawei, Hisilicon Approved
S2‑105090 Architecture requirements for the study on core network overload Huawei, Hisilicon Approved
S2‑105091 Discussion on HSS overload scenarios and solutions Qualcomm Incorporated Approved
S2‑105092 Policy control based on network condition China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Panasonic, ZTE, Allot Communication, Telcordia, NEC, AT&T Revised in S2-105228
S2‑105093 23.401 CR1770R1: Alignment of Network Triggered Service Request procedure NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105094 23.203 CR0461R1: Setting IP-CAN priority status for eMPS Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105095 Adding SRVCC perspective into '1.Scope' NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105096 Adding SRVCC scenario into '4.Priority service scenarios' NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105097 Adding architectural requirement from SRVCC perspective NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105098 Key Issue for SRVCC priority NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105099 23.060 CR1267: LIPA PDP Context Activation Procedure Panasonic, Qualcomm Incorporated, ZTE, RIM, Samsung Revised in S2-105178
S2‑105100 23.060 CR1142R3: Correction of text about ISR handling Huawei, Nokia Siemens Networks Approved
S2‑105101 23.401 CR1729R3: Clarification of Delete Session request information elements Nokia Siemens Networks, Huawei Approved
S2‑105102 Draft LS on Clarification of use cases taking advantage of network verified location SA WG2 (Telefonica) Revised in S2-105104
S2‑105103 LS from RAN WG3: LS on Clarification for Iu Flex usage with MTC devices RAN WG3 (R3-103015) Response in S2-105133
S2‑105104 Draft LS on Clarification of use cases taking advantage of network verified location SA WG2 (Telefonica) Revised in S2-105243
S2‑105105 NetLoc requirements clarifications Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105242
S2‑105106 Making allowance for multiple architecture solutions Deutsche Telekom Approved
S2‑105107 Policy Enhancements, Key issue 4: Enforcement actions and remaining flows Allot Communications, Vodafone, Telcordia, Camiant, GENBAND, Bridgewater systems, Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T Revised in S2-105232
S2‑105108 NetLoc analysis of functional entities that require location Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105240
S2‑105109 NetLoc clarifications for charging use case Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105241
S2‑105110 Legacy NetLoc mechanisms Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105244
S2‑105111 Details on Sy reference point Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Openet Approved
S2‑105112 Directly Cell-ID Provision from MME to GMLC ZTE Revised in S2-105245
S2‑105113 IMS Charging dependency on IP-CAN Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105114 Solution Alternative for Location Information provision to IMS NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105246
S2‑105115 Report of the LIPA_SIPTO pre-processing session Huawei (Rapporteur) Noted
S2‑105116 Solution proposal for providing a network determined location for IMS Huawei, Hisilicon Revised in S2-105247
S2‑105117 Adding Session Modification as trigger for retrieval of the UE position Deutsche Telekom Revised in S2-105248
S2‑105118 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Considerations on counting for MBMS activation SA WG2 (Huawei) Revised in S2-105281
S2‑105119 Response to RAN WG3 on Clarification for Iu Flex usage with MTC devices SA WG2 (Samsung) Revised in S2-105124
S2‑105120 Policy Enhancements Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T Approved
S2‑105121 Solution description of BIH/NAT64 China Mobile, Huawei, CATT, ZTE Revised in S2-105163
S2‑105122 23.401 CR1851R1: Efficient SIPTO GW re-selection China Mobile Revised in S2-105176
S2‑105123 23.060 CR1266R1: NAS level reject of Attach KPN Revised in S2-105262
S2‑105124 Response to RAN WG3 on Clarification for Iu Flex usage with MTC devices SA WG2 (Samsung) Revised in S2-105133
S2‑105125 23.401 CR1642R3: MME overload control by throttling of DL low priority traffic Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105298
S2‑105126 23.060 CR1117R3: SGSN overload control by throttling of DL low priority traffic Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105299
S2‑105127 23.216 CR0157R1: Correction on SRVCC procedure for voice bearer deactivation NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105141
S2‑105128 23.271 CR0388R1: Clarification on Femto eNodeB support NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105139
S2‑105129 23.401 CR1760R2: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless, Intel, CATT Revised in S2-105285
S2‑105130 23.060 CR1205R2: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless Revised in S2-105284
S2‑105131 23.060 CR1256R2: Clarification of term MS configured for MTC Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Approved
S2‑105132 23.401 CR1859R2: Clarification of the term UE configured for MTC Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Approved
S2‑105133 Response to RAN WG3 on Clarification for Iu Flex usage with MTC devices SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105134 23.401 CR1838R1: Addition of correlation identifier for LIPA in service request procedure CATT, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105171
S2‑105135 23.272 CR0586R5: Multiple PLMNs selection in eNodeB Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Revised in S2-105273
S2‑105136 23.272 CR0587R5: Multiple PLMNs selection in eNodeB Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Endorsed
S2‑105137 [DRAFT] LS on delivering registered PLMN ID for CS domain to eNB for multi-PLMN CSFB SA WG2 Revised in S2-105274
S2‑105138 23.271 CR0387R1: Clarification on Cell ID notification to E-SMLC NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105268
S2‑105139 23.271 CR0388R2: Clarification on Femto eNodeB support NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105146
S2‑105140 [draft] LS on Home NodeB support in LCS SA WG2 Revised in S2-105271
S2‑105141 23.216 CR0157R2: Correction on SRVCC procedure for voice bearer deactivation NTT DOCOMO Revised in S2-105272
S2‑105142 23.272 CR0591R2: Clarification of CSFB indication in Extended Service Request Huawei, Hisilicon Approved
S2‑105143 23.272 CR0614R1: UE behaviour with ISR active after CSFB with suspended PS bearers Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105275
S2‑105144 23.272 CR0619R1: Clarification on CSFB in idle mode Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105145 23.272 CR0620R1: Clarification on CSFB in idle mode Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105146 23.271 CR0388R3: Clarification on Femto eNodeB support NTT DOCOMO Noted
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S2‑105153 - - WITHDRAWN
S2‑105154 - - WITHDRAWN
S2‑105155 Extending of Policy Architecture to manage Security Policy Control Huawei, Hisilicon. China Unicom Noted
S2‑105156 23.060 CR1252R1: LIPA corrections in Service Request procedures Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Approved
S2‑105157 23.401 CR1853R1: LIPA corrections in Service Request procedures Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in S2-105175
S2‑105158 Conclusions regarding QoS information over S9* Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, AT&T Approved
S2‑105159 23.401 CR1863R1: Clarifications on Correlation ID LG Electronics Revised in S2-105174
S2‑105160 23.060 CR1225R1: Restricting IPv6 interface identifier generation to protect usage patterns Vodafone Revised in S2-105309
S2‑105161 23.401 CR1794R1: Restricting IPv6 interface identifier generation to protect usage patterns Vodafone Approved
S2‑105162 NAT in EPC Cisco Approved
S2‑105163 Solution description of BIH/NAT64 China Mobile, Huawei, CATT, ZTE Revised in S2-105310
S2‑105164 IPv6 migration with NAT44 Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Nokia Revised in S2-105311
S2‑105165 IPv6-only combined with DNS64/NAT64 Ericsson, ST Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in S2-105312
S2‑105166 IPv6 Migration Recommendations Orange Revised in S2-105167
S2‑105167 IPv6 Migration Recommendations Orange Revised in S2-105313
S2‑105168 Information Flow between OCS and PCRF for Key Issue 3 Openet, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, Telcordia, AT&T, Bridgewater, Sandvine, Acision Approved
S2‑105169 23.401 CR1808R1: Trigger for providing LGW address Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105170 23.060 CR1236R1: Trigger for providing LGW address Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105171 23.401 CR1838R2: Addition of correlation identifier for LIPA in service request procedure CATT, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105172 23.060 CR1237R1: Sending the LIPA correlation id during Service Request Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Qualcomm Inc, CATT Approved
S2‑105173 [DRAFT] LS on S1 handover with LIPA connection removal SA WG2 Revised in S2-105190
S2‑105174 23.401 CR1863R2: Clarifications on Correlation ID LG Electronics Approved
S2‑105175 23.401 CR1853R2: LIPA corrections in Service Request procedures Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Revised in S2-105259
S2‑105176 23.401 CR1851R2: Efficient SIPTO GW re-selection China Mobile Revised in S2-105260
S2‑105177 23.060 CR1249R1: Efficient SIPTO GW re-selection China Mobile Revised in S2-105261
S2‑105178 23.060 CR1267R1: LIPA PDP Context Activation Procedure Panasonic, Qualcomm Incorporated, ZTE, RIM, Samsung Approved
S2‑105179 23.060 CR1197R1: LIPA L-GW clarification on static GW and VPLMN LIPA roaming ZTE, Panasonic, CATT Approved
S2‑105180 23.401 CR1753R1: LIPA L-GW clarification on static GW and VPLMN LIPA roaming ZTE, Panasonic Approved
S2‑105181 23.401 CR1779R1: Correction of Reference Huawei, Hisilicon Approved
S2‑105182 23.060 CR1217R1: Correction of Reference Huawei Approved
S2‑105183 23.060 CR1241R1: Clarification of LIPA function for HNBs (UMTS) NEC Approved
S2‑105184 23.401 CR1824R1: Deactivating direct path during S1 Release for LIPA Motorola Approved
S2‑105185 Key Issue-3 - Alternative solution 3 - Gy and Gx Enhancement Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105186 PCRF based Solution - S9* Call Flows for 3GPP Femto and WLAN Roaming Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105187 3GPP Femto Location Verification Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑105188 - Allot Communications WITHDRAWN
S2‑105189 H(e)NB management plan QoS control Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑105190 [DRAFT] LS on S1 handover with LIPA connection removal SA WG2 Revised in S2-105287
S2‑105191 QoS for a 3GPP UE in BBF Ericsson, Telecom Italia, Huawei, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105223
S2‑105192 23.060 CR1209R1: Modifying and rejecting bearer level QoS parameter for default bearer NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105193 23.060 CR1210R1: Modifying and rejecting bearer level QoS parameter for default bearer NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105194 23.060 CR1211R1: Modifying and rejecting bearer level QoS parameter for default bearer NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105195 23.203 CR0459R1: Correction of QoS change Event trigger Huawei, Hisilicon, Camiant, ZTE Approved
S2‑105196 23.401 CR1778R1: Correction of HSS Initiated Subscribed QoS Modification Huawei, Hisilicon, Camiant, ZTE, China Unicom Approved
S2‑105197 23.060 CR1221R1: Alignment of selective camping procedures with Stage 3 Telecom Italia Approved
S2‑105198 23.060 CR1222R1: Alignment of selective camping procedures with Stage 3 Telecom Italia Approved
S2‑105199 23.401 CR1865: TAU triggers correction - Revised in S2-105255
S2‑105200 23.060 CR1254R1: Handling of E-ARP if HLR/HSS does not provide subscribed E-ARP Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Revised in S2-105277
S2‑105201 23.060 CR1234R1: Handling of E-ARP if HLR/HSS does not provide subscribed E-ARP Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105202 23.401 CR1814R2: Correction to the PDN GW initiated QoS update NEC, NTT DOCOMO Revised in parallel session in S2-105205
S2‑105203 23.401 CR1815R1: Correction to the PDN GW initiated QoS update NEC, NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105204 Correction to the PDN GW initiated QoS update NEC, NTT DOCOMO WITHDRAWN
S2‑105205 23.401 CR1814R3: Correction to the PDN GW initiated QoS update NEC, NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105206 [DRAFT] LS on PDN GW initiated QoS update SA WG2 Revised in S2-105264
S2‑105207 [DRAFT] Reply LS on MTU in 3GPP system SA WG2 Revised in S2-105263
S2‑105208 23.060 CR1261R1: PDP Type Ipv4v6 in pre-rel 8 SGSN, aligning with CT1 Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in S2-105266
S2‑105209 23.060 CR1262R1: PDP Type Ipv4v6 in pre-rel 8 SGSN, aligning with CT1 Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in S2-105267
S2‑105210 23.401 CR1822R2: Missed corrections for time zone reporting Cisco Revised in S2-105265
S2‑105211 23.401 CR1823R2: Missed corrections for time zone reporting Cisco Approved
S2‑105212 23.060 CR1263R1: AMBR correction Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in S2-105276
S2‑105213 23.060 CR1264R1: AMBR correction Qualcomm Incorporated Approved
S2‑105214 23.060 CR1268: R7 QoS subscription for pre R7 UE Qualcomm Incorporated Revised in S2-105278
S2‑105215 23.060 CR1269: R7 QoS subscription for pre R7 UE Qualcomm Incorporated Approved
S2‑105216 23.401 CR1826R1: UE Context Modification(CSFB) retry when X2 HO fails Motorola, Qualcomm Noted
S2‑105217 23.401 CR1827R1: UE Context Modification(CSFB) retry when X2 HO fails Motorola, Qualcomm Noted
S2‑105218 Notes from Drafting on 6.1 and 6.4 Drafting chairs 6.4 (Frank Mademann, Huawei) and 6.1 (Magnus Olsson, Ericsson) Noted
S2‑105219 - - WITHDRAWN
S2‑105220 - - WITHDRAWN
S2‑105221 - - WITHDRAWN
S2‑105222 Service Awareness and Privacy Policies Allot Communications, GENBAND, Telcordia, AT&T, Camiant, Vodafone Revised in S2-105233
S2‑105223 QoS for a 3GPP UE in BBF Ericsson, Telecom Italia, Huawei, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105224 IPsec tunnel information for Femto Architecture Alternative 2 Huawei, Hisilicon Noted
S2‑105225 3GPP Femto PCRF Solution - Tunnel Information and BPCF FQDN Propagation in the EPC Network Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105286
S2‑105226 How to find the same H(e)NB PF for a certain H(e)NB ZTE Noted
S2‑105227 Additional call flows for S2b and S2c: Resource reservation, deactivation and UE-Initiated connectivity to additional PDN ZTE Approved
S2‑105228 Policy control based on network condition China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Panasonic, ZTE, Allot Communication, Telcordia, NEC, AT&T, KDDI Revised in S2-105234
S2‑105229 PCRF selection and S9 session binding for WLAN scenario Huawei, Hisilicon Approved
S2‑105230 IPsec tunnel update procedure for the case S2b Huawei, Hisilicon Approved
S2‑105231 LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on Release 10 NIMTC Conclusions RAN WG2 (R2-105994) Response in S2-105318
S2‑105232 Policy Enhancements, Key issue 4: Enforcement actions and remaining flows Allot Communications, Vodafone, Telcordia, Camiant, GENBAND, Bridgewater systems, Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T Approved
S2‑105233 Service Awareness and Privacy Policies Allot Communications, GENBAND, Telcordia, AT&T, Camiant, Vodafone Approved
S2‑105234 Policy control based on network condition China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, Panasonic, ZTE, Allot Communication, Telcordia, NEC, AT&T, KDDI Noted
S2‑105235 LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network Huawei, Hisilicon, AT&T, TeliaSonera, Verizon Wireless, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Cisco, Juniper, ZTE, NEC, China Mobile, Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105315
S2‑105236 New WID for SRVCC for Video Call KT, LG Electronics, NEC, NTT DOCOMO, Samsung Approved
S2‑105237 LS reply on MSISDN relationship with C-MSISDN SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105238 23.216 CR0158R2: Stage 2-stage 3 alignment of the GPRS Attach procedure for SRVCC LG Electronics Approved
S2‑105239 Updated WID on Advanced Interconnection of Services KPN Approved
S2‑105240 NetLoc analysis of functional entities that require location Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105241 NetLoc clarifications for charging use case Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105242 NetLoc requirements clarifications Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105243 LS on Clarification of use cases taking advantage of network verified location SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105244 Legacy NetLoc mechanisms Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105245 Directly Cell-ID Provision from MME to GMLC ZTE Approved
S2‑105246 Solution Alternative for Location Information provision to IMS NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105247 Solution proposal for providing a network determined location for IMS Huawei, Hisilicon Approved
S2‑105248 Adding Session Modification as trigger for retrieval of the UE position Deutsche Telekom Approved
S2‑105249 DRAFT Reply LS on Release 10 NIMTC Conclusions [Vodafone] SA WG2 Revised in S2-105288
S2‑105250 23.060 CR1216R2: Clarification on MTC Access Class Barring Samsung Revised in S2-105293
S2‑105251 23.401 CR1775R2: Clarification on MTC Access Class Barring Samsung Revised in S2-105294
S2‑105252 [DRAFT] Reply LS on Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover SA WG2 (Alcatel-Lucent) Revised in S2-105308
S2‑105253 23.401 CR1812R2: Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105302
S2‑105254 23.401 CR1813R2: Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105303
S2‑105255 23.401 CR1865R1: TAU triggers correction - Approved
S2‑105256 23.272 CR0602R3: Use of ICS procedures with CSFB Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105282
S2‑105257 23.272 CR0623R1: Use of ICS procedures with CSFB Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑105258 23.272 CR0624R1: Use of ICS procedures with CSFB Alcatel-Lucent Noted
S2‑105259 23.401 CR1853R3: LIPA corrections in Service Request procedures Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Approved
S2‑105260 23.401 CR1851R3: Efficient SIPTO GW re-selection China Mobile Approved
S2‑105261 23.060 CR1249R2: Efficient SIPTO GW re-selection China Mobile Approved
S2‑105262 23.060 CR1266R2: NAS level reject of Attach KPN Approved
S2‑105263 Reply LS on MTU in 3GPP system SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105264 LS on PDN GW initiated QoS update SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105265 23.401 CR1822R3: Missed corrections for time zone reporting Cisco Approved
S2‑105266 23.060 CR1261R2: PDP Type Ipv4v6 in pre-rel 8 SGSN, aligning with CT1 Qualcomm Incorporated Approved
S2‑105267 23.060 CR1262R2: PDP Type Ipv4v6 in pre-rel 8 SGSN, aligning with CT1 Qualcomm Incorporated Approved
S2‑105268 23.271 CR0387R2: Clarification on Cell ID notification to E-SMLC NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105269 23.271 CR0390: Clarification on Cell ID notification to E-SMLC NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105270 Drafting report for MSBit (from convenor) Ericsson Noted
S2‑105271 [draft] LS on Home (e)NodeB support in LCS SA WG2 Revised in S2-105279
S2‑105272 23.216 CR0157R3: Correction on SRVCC procedure for voice bearer deactivation NTT DOCOMO Approved
S2‑105273 23.272 CR0586R6: Multiple PLMNs selection in eNodeB Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Endorsed
S2‑105274 LS on delivering registered PLMN ID for CS domain to eNB for multi-PLMN CSFB SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105275 23.272 CR0614R2: UE behaviour with ISR active after CSFB with suspended PS bearers Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105276 23.060 CR1263R2: AMBR correction Qualcomm Incorporated Approved
S2‑105277 23.060 CR1254R2: Handling of E-ARP if HLR/HSS does not provide subscribed E-ARP Ericsson, ST-Ericsson Approved
S2‑105278 23.060 CR1268R1: R7 QoS subscription for pre R7 UE - Revised in S2-105283
S2‑105279 LS on Home NodeB support in LCS SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105280 Proposed way forward for LAC MSB issue Deutsche Telekom, AT&T, China Mobile, China Unicom, Orange Noted
S2‑105281 Reply LS on Considerations on counting for MBMS activation SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105282 23.272 CR0602R4: Use of ICS procedures with CSFB Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105283 23.060 CR1268R2: R7 QoS subscription for pre R7 UE - Approved
S2‑105284 23.060 CR1205R3: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless Revised in S2-105301
S2‑105285 23.401 CR1760R3: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless, Intel, CATT, ZTE, KPN, Huawei Revised in S2-105300
S2‑105286 3GPP Femto PCRF Solution - Tunnel Information and BPCF FQDN Propagation in the EPC Network Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105287 [DRAFT] LS on S1 handover with LIPA connection removal SA WG2 Revised in S2-105317
S2‑105288 DRAFT Reply LS on Release 10 NIMTC Conclusions SA WG2 Revised in S2-105318
S2‑105289 LS to CT WG1 on NAS level attach reject in 2G-3G SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105290 23.401 CR1767R2: Include session management back-off timer for priority users/emergency services during APN based congestion control HTC Revised in S2-105320
S2‑105291 23.060 CR1207R2: Include session management back-off timer for priority users/emergency services during APN based congestion control HTC Revised in S2-105321
S2‑105292 LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on Release 10 NIMTC Conclusions CT WG1 (C1-104273) Postponed to meeting #82
S2‑105293 23.060 CR1216R3: Clarification on MTC Access Class Barring Samsung Noted
S2‑105294 23.401 CR1775R3: Clarification on MTC Access Class Barring Samsung Noted
S2‑105295 23.060 CR1213R2: Clarification for NMO behaviour of MTC devices Samsung Approved
S2‑105296 23.401 CR1761R2: OTA configuration for MTC Sierra Wireless Approved
S2‑105297 23.060 CR1206R2: OTA configuration for MTC Sierra Wireless Approved
S2‑105298 23.401 CR1642R4: MME overload control by throttling of DL low priority traffic Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105299 23.060 CR1117R4: SGSN overload control by throttling of DL low priority traffic Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105300 23.401 CR1760R4: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless, Intel, CATT, ZTE, KPN, Huawei, Samsung, Panasonic Revised in S2-105319
S2‑105301 23.060 CR1205R4: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless Approved
S2‑105302 23.401 CR1812R3: Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105306
S2‑105303 23.401 CR1813R3: Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent Revised in S2-105307
S2‑105304 LS on CSG access in VPLMN SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105305 Reply LS on the Usage of MBR and GBR bearers in MTSI SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105306 Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent WITHDRAWN
S2‑105307 Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover Alcatel-Lucent WITHDRAWN
S2‑105308 Reply LS on Handling of dedicated bearer related procedures during handover SA WG2 (Alcatel-Lucent) Approved
S2‑105309 23.060 CR1225R2: Restricting IPv6 interface identifier generation to protect usage patterns Vodafone Approved
S2‑105310 Solution description of BIH/NAT64 China Mobile, Huawei, CATT, ZTE Approved
S2‑105311 IPv6 migration with NAT44 Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Nokia Approved
S2‑105312 IPv6-only combined with DNS64/NAT64 Ericsson, ST Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia Approved
S2‑105313 IPv6 Migration Recommendations Orange Approved
S2‑105314 Update to System Improvements for Machine Type Communication KPN, Ericsson, ST-Ericsson, Sierra , Samsung, Verizon , Nokia Siemens Networks, Panasonic, Huawei, Intel, China Mobile, Interdigital, NEC, ZTE, Telecom Italia, Motorola, LG, Alcatel-Lucent, TeliaSonera, Sagem, Orange, HTC Approved
S2‑105315 New WID: LIPA Mobility and SIPTO at the Local Network Huawei, Hisilicon, AT&T, TeliaSonera, Verizon Wireless, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Cisco, Juniper, ZTE, NEC, China Mobile, Alcatel-Lucent Approved
S2‑105316 Update to 'Local IP Access and Selected IP Traffic Offload' WID Huawei (rapporteur) Approved
S2‑105317 LS on S1 handover with LIPA connection removal SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105318 Reply LS on Release 10 NIMTC Conclusions SA WG2 Approved
S2‑105319 23.401 CR1760R5: Correction and clarification of usage of low priority and MTC indicators Sierra Wireless, Intel, CATT, ZTE, KPN, Huawei, Samsung, Panasonic Approved
S2‑105320 23.401 CR1767R3: Include session management back-off timer for priority users/emergency services during APN based congestion control HTC Approved
S2‑105321 23.060 CR1207R3: Include session management back-off timer for priority users/emergency services during APN based congestion control HTC Approved

page generated from database: 2024-09-26 11:02:35

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