Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP Work Items associated with Specification

3GPP Spec = 29.275 : Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) based Mobility and Tunnelling protocols; Stage 3

This page lists the 3GPP Work Items which are or might in future be associated with or have an effect upon the above Technical Specification or Technical Report. Click on the WI unique ID number to go to its entry on the Gantt chart page.

Unique ID Code Title Release
380032 - Stage 3 for EPC to UTRAN Rel-8
340057 - Stage 3 for Interfaces EPC - non-3GPP IP access Rel-8
340019 SAES-St3 Deleted - CT aspects of SAES Rel-8
- - - -
870099 Rel-19
680004 - Stage 1 of Evolution to and Interworking with eCall in IMS Rel-14
660030 ePCSCF_WLAN Enhanced P-CSCF discovery using signalling for access to EPC via WLAN Rel-13
660023 - CT4 aspects of Enhanced P-CSCF discovery using signalling for access to EPC via WLAN Rel-13
660028 PCSCF_RES_WLAN P-CSCF Restoration Enhancements with WLAN Rel-13
660040 - CT4 aspects of P-CSCF Restoration Enhancements with WLAN Rel-13
680012 MEI_WLAN Mobile Equipment Identity signalling over WLAN Rel-13
680040 - CT4 aspects of Mobile Equipment Identity signalling over WLAN Rel-13
690002 EPC_SIG_RACE EPC Signalling Improvements for race scenarios Rel-13
690027 - CT4 aspects for EPC Signalling Improvements for race scenarios Rel-13
700012 CIoT Cellular (Narrowband) Internet of Things Rel-13
700013 CIoT-CT CT aspects of CIoT Rel-13
700015 - CT4 aspects of CIoT Rel-13
660027 FS_EPC_SIG_RACE Study on EPC Signalling Improvement for Race Scenarios Rel-13
530115 LIMONET-SIPTO-CT4 CT4 part of Stage 3 CN aspects of SIPTO at the Local Network Rel-12
530216 LIMONET-LIPA-del4 Deleted - CT4 part of CN aspects of LIPA Mobility Rel-12
610038 eSaMOG Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC Rel-12
610009 eSaMOG-St3 Stage 3 for Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC Rel-12
610209 - CT4 part of Stage 3 for Enhanced S2a Mobility Over trusted WLAN access to EPC Rel-12
610040 NETLOC_TWAN Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case Rel-12
620008 NETLOC_TWAN-CT CT aspects of Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case (Stage 3) Rel-12
620308 - CT4 part of Network-provided Location information for IMS Trusted WLAN Access Network (TWAN) case Rel-12
590043 MI MBMS Improvements Rel-12
610004 PCSCF_RES Proxy Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) restoration enhancements (Stage 2/3) Rel-12
530306 - CT4 part of Stage 3 BB1: Reachability Aspects of SIMTC Rel-11
530046 SaMOG_WLAN S2a Mobility based On GTP and WLAN access to EPC Rel-11
540011 SaMOG_WLAN-CN CN aspects of Mobility based On GTP & PMIPv6 for WLAN access to EPC Rel-11
520008 eNR_EPC enhanced Nodes Restoration for EPC (Stage 2/3) Rel-11
520108 - CT4 part of enhanced Nodes Restoration for EPC Rel-11
410030 NIMTC Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications Rel-10
480305 - CT4 part of Stage 3 for Network Improvements for Machine-Type Communications Rel-10
380064 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
440038 IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPSC4 CT4 aspects - Stage 3 for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS Rel-9
450007 - CT4 aspects of Multiple PDN Connection to the Same APN for PMIP-based Interfaces Rel-9
320005 SAES 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (non RAN aspects) Rel-8
340062 - Stage 3 (CT4) of SAE impact on existing capabilities Rel-8
350025 SAES-LTE SAE for LTE access Rel-8
340060 - CT4 Stage 3 for protocol between EPCs Rel-8
370018 - CT4 Stage 3 for PMIP protocol within EPC Rel-8
340026 - Stage 3 for EPC - HSS interface Rel-8
340056 - Stage 3 for EPC - GPRS Rel-8
20068 LTE Rel-8 LTE – 3G Long Term Evolution - Evolved Packet System RAN part Rel-8
32085 FS_SAE Study on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Rel-8
14012 Mp Mp (MRFC - MRFP) interface Rel-7
31012 WLAN WLAN-UMTS Interworking Rel-6 Rel-6
1273 IMS Provisioning of IP-based multimedia services Rel-5
50033 EPC Enhanced Power Control Rel-5
60132 GPRS General Packet Radio Service R99
60073 PR,Princs_&_Reqs_(PR) OAM Principles and High-level Requirements R99

page generated from database: 2024-09-26 11:02:35