Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP meetings for group GP

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GP-76-Cancelled #76-Cancelled US 2017‑11‑27 2017‑12‑01 - - Participants - - -
GP-75-Cancelled #75-Cancelled Berlin (TBC) 2017‑08‑21 2017‑08‑25 - - Participants - - -
GP-74-Cancelled #74-Cancelled 2017‑05‑15 2017‑05‑19 - - Participants - - -
GP-73-Cancelled #73-Cancelled EU 2017‑02‑13 2017‑02‑17 - - Participants - - -
GP-72-Cancelled #72-Cancelled US 2016‑11‑14 2016‑11‑18 - - Participants - - -
GP-71-Cancelled #71-Cancelled Goteborg 2016‑08‑22 2016‑08‑26 - - Participants - - -
GP-70 3GPPGERAN#70 Nanjing 2016‑05‑23 2016‑05‑27 GP-160223 - GP-160506  
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GP-69 3GPPGERAN#69 Malta 2016‑02‑15 2016‑02‑19 GP-160001 - GP-160222  
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GP-69 3GPPGERAN#69 Malta 2016‑02‑15 2016‑02‑19 GP-160001 - GP-160222  
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GP-68 3GPPGERAN#68 Anaheim 2015‑11‑16 2015‑11‑20 GP-151046 - GP-151231  
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GP-1-EC-GSM & eDRX 3GPPGERAN-EC-GSM & eDRX Stockholm 2015‑10‑12 2015‑10‑13 GPE150001 - GPE150084  
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GP-67 3GPPGERAN#67 Yin Chuan 2015‑08‑10 2015‑08‑14 GP-150672 - GP-151045  
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GP-66 3GPPGERAN#66 Vilnius 2015‑05‑25 2015‑05‑29 GP-150323 - GP-150331  
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GP-65 3GPPGERAN#65 Shanghai 2015‑03‑09 2015‑03‑13 - - Participants Files - -
GP-64 3GPPGERAN#64 San Francisco 2014‑11‑17 2014‑11‑21 GP-140722 - GP-141000  
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GP-63 3GPPGERAN#63 Ljubljana 2014‑08‑25 2014‑08‑29 GP-140430 - GP-140721  
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GP-62 3GPPGERAN#62 Valencia 2014‑05‑26 2014‑05‑30 GP-140246 - GP-140429  
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GP-61 3GPPGERAN#61 2014‑02‑24 2014‑02‑28 GP-140001 - GP-140245  
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GP-60 3GPPGERAN#60 Zhuhai 2013‑11‑18 2013‑11‑22 GP-130895 - GP-131139  
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GP-59 3GPPGERAN#59 Sofia 2013‑08‑26 2013‑08‑30 GP-130565 - GP-130894  
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GP-58 3GPPGERAN#58 Xiamen 2013‑05‑13 2013‑05‑17 GP-130329 - GP-130564  
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GP-57 3GPPGERAN#57 Vienna 2013‑02‑25 2013‑03‑01 GP-130001 - GP-130328  
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GP-56 3GPPGERAN#56 Prague 2012‑11‑19 2012‑11‑23 GP-121183 - GP-121434  
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GP-55 3GPPGERAN#55 Vienna 2012‑08‑27 2012‑08‑31 GP-120808 - GP-121182  
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GP-54 3GPPGERAN#54 Sanya 2012‑05‑14 2012‑05‑18 GP-120454 - GP-120807  
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GP-53 3GPPGERAN#53 Hamburg 2012‑02‑27 2012‑03‑02 GP-120001 - GP-120453  
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GP-52 3GPPGERAN#52 Bratislava 2011‑11‑21 2011‑11‑25 GP-111495 - GP-111907  
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GP-51 3GPPGERAN#51 Goteborg 2011‑08‑29 2011‑09‑02 GP-111000 - GP-111494  
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GP-50 3GPPGERAN#50 Dallas (TX) 2011‑05‑16 2011‑05‑20 GP-110522 - GP-120701  
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GP-49 3GPPGERAN#49 Chengdu 2011‑02‑28 2011‑03‑04 GP-110001 - GP-111247  
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GP-48 3GPPGERAN#48 San Jose Del Cabo 2010‑11‑22 2010‑11‑26 GP-101661 - GP-102081  
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GP-47 3GPPGERAN#47 Kunming 2010‑08‑30 2010‑09‑03 GP-101091 - GP-101660  
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GP-46 3GPPGERAN#46 Jeju Island 2010‑05‑17 2010‑05‑21 GP-100614 - GP-101090  
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GP-45 3GPPGERAN#45 Berlin 2010‑03‑01 2010‑03‑05 GP-100001 - GP-100613  
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GP-44 3GPPGERAN#44 2009‑11‑16 2009‑11‑20 GP-091776 - GP-092477  
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GP-43 3GPPGERAN#43 Vancouver 2009‑08‑31 2009‑09‑04 GP-091077 - GP-091775  
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GP-42 3GPPGERAN#42 Shenzhen 2009‑05‑11 2009‑05‑15 GP-090572 - GP-091076  
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GP-41 3GPPGERAN#41 Valetta 2009‑02‑16 2009‑02‑20 GP-090001 - GP-090571  
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GP-40 3GPPGERAN#40 Miami 2008‑11‑17 2008‑11‑21 GP-081437 - GP-081966  
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GP-39 3GPPGERAN#39 Florence 2008‑08‑25 2008‑08‑29 GP-080955 - GP-081436  
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GP-38 3GPPGERAN#38 Malaga 2008‑05‑12 2008‑05‑16 GP-080419 - GP-080954  
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GP-37 3GPPGERAN#37 Seoul 2008‑02‑18 2008‑02‑22 GP-080001 - GP-080418  
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GP-36 3GPPGERAN#36 Vancouver 2007‑11‑12 2007‑11‑16 GP-071502 - GP-072034  
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GP-0-GERAN/E-UTRAN I 3GPPGERAN-3GPPRAN-GERAN/E-UTRA 2007‑09‑27 2007‑09‑28 - - Participants Files - -
GP-35 3GPPGERAN#35 Dublin 2007‑08‑27 2007‑08‑31 GP-071063 - GP-071567  
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GP-34 3GPPGERAN#34 Shenzhen 2007‑05‑14 2007‑05‑18 GP-070563 - GP-071083  
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GP-33 3GPPGERAN#33 Seoul 2007‑02‑12 2007‑02‑16 GP-070001 - GP-070562  
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GP-0-GAN Enhancement 3GPPGERAN-GAN Enhancements 2007‑01‑08 2007‑01‑09 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0-GAN Enhancement 3GPPGERAN-GAN Enhancements 2007‑01‑08 2007‑01‑09 - - Participants Files - -
GP-32 3GPPGERAN#32 2006‑11‑13 2006‑11‑17 GP-061926 - GP-062492  
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GP-31 3GPPGERAN#31 Denver 2006‑09‑04 2006‑09‑08 GP-061522 - GP-061925  
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GP-30 3GPPGERAN#30 Lisbon 2006‑06‑26 2006‑06‑30 GP-060994 - GP-061521  
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GP-0-GERAN Evolution 3GPPGERAN-GERAN Evolution 2006‑05‑25 2006‑05‑26 - - Participants Files - -
GP-29 3GPPGERAN#29 SAN JOSE DEL CABO 2006‑04‑24 2006‑04‑28 GP-060488 - GP-060993  
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GP-28 3GPPGERAN#28 Brussels 2006‑01‑16 2006‑01‑20 GP-060001 - GP-060487  
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GP-27 3GPPGERAN#27 Atlanta 2005‑11‑07 2005‑11‑11 GP-052326 - GP-052926  
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GP-26 3GPPGERAN#26 Schaumburg 2005‑08‑29 2005‑09‑02 GP-051807 - GP-052325  
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GP-25 3GPPGERAN#25 Montreal 2005‑06‑20 2005‑06‑24 GP-051180 - GP-051806  
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GP-0-Ad Hoc on GERAN 3GPPGERAN-Ad Hoc on GERAN EVOL Copenhagen 2005‑05‑18 2005‑05‑19 - - Participants Files - -
GP-24 3GPPGERAN#24 Dublin 2005‑04‑04 2005‑04‑08 GP-050610 - GP-051179  
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GP-23 3GPPGERAN#23 Tampa 2005‑01‑24 2005‑01‑28 GP-050001 - GP-050609  
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GP-22 3GPPGERAN#22 Cape Town 2004‑11‑08 2004‑11‑12 GP-042293 - GP-042915  
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GP-21 3GPPGERAN#21 Montreal 2004‑08‑23 2004‑08‑27 GP-041743 - GP-042292  
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GP-0-Generic Access 3GPPGERAN-Generic Access London 2004‑08‑05 2004‑08‑06 - - Participants Files - -
GP-20 3GPPGERAN#20 Bilbao 2004‑06‑21 2004‑06‑25 GP-041226 - GP-041742  
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GP-19 3GPPGERAN#19 Cancun 2004‑04‑19 2004‑04‑23 GP-040568 - GP-041225  
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GP-18 3GPPGERAN#18 Reykjavik 2004‑02‑02 2004‑02‑06 GP-040001 - GP-040567  
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GP-17 3GPPGERAN#17 Budapest 2003‑11‑17 2003‑11‑21 GP-032295 - GP-032826  
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GP-0-SAIC_Workshop#3 3GPPGERAN-SAIC_Workshop#3 Chicago 2003‑10‑28 2003‑10‑30 - - Participants Files - -
GP-16 3GPPGERAN#16 New York 2003‑08‑25 2003‑08‑29 GP-031732 - GP-032294  
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GP-15 3GPPGERAN#15 Fort Lauderdale 2003‑06‑23 2003‑06‑27 GP-031070 - GP-031731  
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GP-0-MBMS_Workshop 3GPPGERAN-MBMS_Workshop Espoo 2003‑05‑12 2003‑05‑13 - - Participants Files - -
GP-14 3GPPGERAN#14 Munich 2003‑04‑07 2003‑04‑11 GP-030455 - GP-031069  
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GP-0-SAIC_Workshop#2 3GPPGERAN-SAIC_Workshop#2 Seattle 2003‑03‑04 2003‑03‑05 - - Participants - - -
GP-13 3GPPGERAN#13 San Antonio 2003‑02‑03 2003‑02‑07 GP-030443 - GP-030449  
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GP-0-SAIC_Workshop 3GPPGERAN-SAIC_Workshop Atlanta 2003‑01‑08 2003‑01‑09 - - Participants - - -
GP-12-#12 3GPPGERAN-#12 2002‑11‑18 2002‑11‑22 GP-022830 - GP-030454  
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GP-0-RRC drafting 3GPPGERAN-RRC drafting Kista 2002‑09‑24 2002‑09‑26 - - Participants Files - -
GP-11-#11 3GPPGERAN-#11 Los Angeles 2002‑08‑26 2002‑08‑30 GP-022120 - GP-022829  
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GP-10-#10 3GPPGERAN-#10 Helsinki 2002‑06‑24 2002‑06‑28 GP-021296 - GP-022119  
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GP-0-A/Gb evolution 3GPPGERAN-A/Gb evolution STOCKHOLM 2002‑06‑11 2002‑06‑13 - - Participants Files - -
GP-9-#9 3GPPGERAN-#9 Seattle 2002‑04‑15 2002‑04‑19 GP-020518 - GP-021295  
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GP-8-#8 3GPPGERAN-#8 Rome 2002‑02‑04 2002‑02‑08 GP-020001 - GP-020517  
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GP-0-LCS DRAFTING SE 3GPPGERAN-LCS DRAFTING SESSION Cancun 2001‑11‑27 2001‑11‑28 - - Participants - - -
GP-7-#7 3GPPGERAN-#7 Cancun 2001‑11‑26 2001‑11‑30 GP-011975 - GP-012850  
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GP-0-LCS DRAFTING SE 3GPPGERAN-LCS DRAFTING SESSION TBD 2001‑10‑23 2001‑10‑25 - - Participants - - -
GP-0-RLC drafting se 3GPPGERAN-RLC drafting session Kista 2001‑09‑27 2001‑09‑28 - - Participants - - -
GP-0-RRC drafting se 3GPPGERAN-RRC drafting session Kista 2001‑09‑24 2001‑09‑26 - - Participants - - -
GP-0-LCS 3GPPGERAN-LCS San Francisco 2001‑09‑18 2001‑09‑20 - - Participants - - -
GP-0-LCS DRAFTING SE 3GPPGERAN-LCS DRAFTING SESSION Naantali 2001‑08‑28 2001‑08‑29 - - Participants - - -
GP-6-#6 3GPPGERAN-#6 Naantali 2001‑08‑27 2001‑08‑31 GP-011453 - GP-011974  
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GP-5-#5 3GPPGERAN-#5 Chicago 2001‑05‑28 2001‑06‑01 GP-010982 - GP-011452  
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GP-0-LCS drafting 3GPPGERAN-LCS drafting Seattle 2001‑05‑08 2001‑05‑09 - - Participants Files - -
GP-5-FUTURE 3GPPGERAN-FUTURE Belleview 2001‑05‑07 2001‑05‑11 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0-LCS Rel-4 stage 3GPPGERAN-LCS Rel-4 stage 3 AS teleconf 2001‑04‑20 2001‑04‑20 - - Participants Files - -
GP-4-#4 3GPPGERAN-#4 Biarritz 2001‑04‑02 2001‑04‑06 GP-010459 - GP-010981  
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GP-0-LCS 3GPPGERAN-LCS Lake Tahoe 2001‑03‑20 2001‑03‑22 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0-Rel-4 and beyon 3GPPGERAN-Rel-4 and beyond teleconf 2001‑03‑19 2001‑03‑20 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0-LCS 3GPPGERAN-LCS 2001‑02‑13 2001‑02‑15 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0-ON RELEASE 4 an 3GPPGERAN-ON RELEASE 4 and bey 2001‑02‑12 2001‑02‑16 - - Participants Files - -
GP-3-#3 3GPPGERAN-#3 Boston 2001‑01‑15 2001‑01‑19 GP-010001 - GP-010458  
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GP-0-LCS 3GPPGERAN-LCS London 2001‑01‑09 2001‑01‑10 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0-LCS 3GPPGERAN-LCS ORLANDO 2000‑12‑12 2000‑12‑14 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0-Release 2000 & 3GPPGERAN-Release 2000 & beyon ORLANDO 2000‑12‑11 2000‑12‑15 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0-RRC and RLC/MAC 3GPPGERAN-RRC and RLC/MAC Hilversum 2000‑11‑27 2000‑11‑30 - - Participants - - -
GP-0-one phase acces 3GPPGERAN-one phase access con Vélizy 2000‑11‑20 2000‑11‑21 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0 3GPPGERAN TBD 2000‑11‑13 2000‑11‑17 - - Participants - - -
GP-2 3GPPGERAN#2 NORRTÄLJE 2000‑11‑06 2000‑11‑10 GP-000482 - GP-000930  
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GP-2 3GPPGERAN Norrtalje 2000‑11‑06 2000‑11‑10 - - Participants - - -
GP-0-LCS 3GPPGERAN-LCS Irving 2000‑10‑24 2000‑10‑27 - - Participants Files - -
GP-0-Release 2000 & 3GPPGERAN-Release 2000 & 2001 MUNICH 2000‑10‑09 2000‑10‑13 - - Participants Files - -
GP-1 3GPPGERAN#1 Seattle 2000‑08‑28 2000‑09‑01 GP-000001 - GP-000481  
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GP-0-DTM 3GPPGERAN-DTM Newbury 2000‑08‑16 2000‑08‑18 - - Participants - - -

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