ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_054-e / inbox / drafts / 08_3_MCGWUE

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icon Draft1_S6-231315_MCGWUE_Remove one active binding restriction on MC gateway client.docx 2023/04/19 8:01 134,2 KB
icon Draft1_S6-231329_was_S6-230803_MCGWUE_Terminology alignment within MC GW UE.docx 2023/04/21 7:43 103,1 KB
icon Draft1_S6-231332_was_S6-230804_MCGWUE_Corrections related to MC gateway UE and identities.docx 2023/04/19 8:48 136 KB
icon Draft1_S6-231333_MCGWUE_Clarifications related to authorization binding procedure.docx 2023/04/19 9:40 117,5 KB
icon Draft2_S6-231315_MCGWUE_Remove one active binding restriction on MC gateway client.docx 2023/04/21 7:58 134,9 KB
icon Draft2_S6-231332_was_S6-230804_MCGWUE_Corrections related to MC gateway UE and identities.docx 2023/04/20 14:44 135,9 KB
icon Draft2_S6-231333_MCGWUE_Clarifications related to authorization binding procedure.docx 2023/04/21 8:14 34,3 KB

7 items.