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icon S6-231289_Rev1-Adding data storage reservation procedure.doc 2023/04/20 8:49 345 KB
icon S6-231291_Rev1-Correction and alignment on bandwidth control procedure.doc 2023/04/20 6:28 113,5 KB
icon S6-231292_Rev1-Data storage in SEALDD architecture.doc 2023/04/20 9:48 268 KB
icon S6-231293_Rev1-Identities and common values.doc 2023/04/20 9:28 42 KB
icon S6-231294_Rev1-Overview of functionality.doc 2023/04/20 7:22 46 KB
icon S6-231295_Rev1-Simultaneous connectivity with source SEALDD server and target SEALDD server.doc 2023/04/20 6:35 77,5 KB
icon S6-231296_Rev1-Solve EN about obtaining transmission quality between SEALDD server.doc 2023/04/20 12:54 59,5 KB
icon S6-231299_Rev1-Upate regular transmission connection establishment procedure.doc 2023/04/20 13:56 144,5 KB
icon S6-231301_Rev1-Update SEALDD enabled bandwidth control procedure.doc 2023/04/20 6:29 112,5 KB
icon S6-231334_Rev1_SEALDD_policy_provisioning_v2.doc 2023/04/20 10:56 146,5 KB
icon S6-23xxxx was1367 SEALDD update policy driven DD connection mgmt 23433 v1.doc 2023/04/20 7:07 552,5 KB

11 items.