ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_054-e / inbox / drafts / 08_12_EDGEAPP_EXT

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icon S6-231138_rev1 Interfaces Alignment - EDGEAPP & ETSI MEC.docx 2023/04/21 14:57 40,3 KB
icon S6-231138_rev2 Interfaces Alignment - EDGEAPP & ETSI MEC.docx 2023/04/21 16:38 40,6 KB
icon S6-231140_rev1 Contributions for external TR.pptx 2023/04/21 12:23 77,1 KB
icon S6-231161_rev1 Moving alignment Annex from TS to external TR.docx 2023/04/21 15:31 163,7 KB
icon S6-231163_rev1 Resolve EN for ETSI ISG MEC Figure.docx 2023/04/21 14:26 113,6 KB

5 items.