ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_053_Athens / Agreed_CRs_SA6_52-bis-e / 23558_Rel-17

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icon 23558_CR0115r6_(Rel-17)_S6-230347_was_0239_(Rev1)_was_3626_was_3216_was_2757_was_2052_EDGEAPP_correction for EEC registration expiration time.doc 2023/02/13 19:53 85 KB
icon 23558_CR0160_(Rel-17)_S6-230088-EDGEAPP-Annex-A.5-corrections.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 471,9 KB
icon 23558_CR0162_(Rel-17)_S6-230090-EDGEAPP-EAS-discovery-notification-corrections.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 31,7 KB
icon 23558_CR0212r1_(Rel-17)_S6-230334 was 0260_rev1 Corrections to ECS configuration informtation_rel17.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 33,7 KB
icon 23558_Rel-17_Clauses_affected_etc.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 13,5 KB

5 items.