ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_053_Athens / Agreed_CRs_SA6_52-bis-e / 23434_Rel-18

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icon 23434_CR0142r3_(Rel-18)_S6-230313 was S6-230036-r4 Fused Location Funtionality CR - FirstNet and others.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 106 KB
icon 23434_CR0147r2_(Rel-18)_S6-230482 was S6-230411_Rev3 was S6-230100_Rev2_Location profilling for fused location derivation.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 98,7 KB
icon 23434_CR0148r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230412 was S6-230101_Rev1_location reporting configuration notification.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 42,2 KB
icon 23434_CR0149r2_(Rel-18)_S6-230483 was S6-230413_Rev1 was S6-230102_Rev2_Location service registration.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 73 KB
icon 23434_CR0152r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230400_was0148r1 SEAL_Ph3 improved location monitoring subscription 23434 R18 v1.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 82,9 KB
icon 23434_CR0153r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230326_was_S6-230170_Rev2_Service based interface representation of Location Management service.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 127,7 KB
icon 23434_CR0154r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230327_was_S6-230171_Rev2_Service based interface representation of Group Management Service.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 111,3 KB
icon 23434_CR0155r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230328_was_S6-230172_Rev2_Service based interface representation of Network resource management service.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 114,3 KB
icon 23434_CR0156r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230329_was_S6-230173_Update Annex with the details of new SEAL services.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 187,5 KB
icon 23434_CR0158r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230330_was_S6-230177_Updates to service based interface represeentation of functional model.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 119,4 KB
icon 23434_CR0159r2_(Rel-18)_S6-230457_was_0338 (Rev1)_was_0226_(Rel1)_SEAL_Information flow for VAL server provisioning to IdMS.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 60 KB
icon 23434_CR0162_(Rel-18)_S6-230246-ADAES-23434-CR-Alignment-between-23434-and-23436.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 175,7 KB
icon 23434_CR0163r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230438_was250-NSCALE-23434-CR-Alignment-between-23434-and-23435.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 1127,2 KB
icon 23434_CR0164r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230440_was252-SEALDD-23434-CR-Update-SEALDD-description.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 30,9 KB
icon 23434_Rel-18_Clauses_affected_etc.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 15,7 KB

15 items.