ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_053_Athens / Agreed_CRs_SA6_52-bis-e / 23222_Rel-18

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icon 23222_CR0098_(Rel-18)_S6-230149 SNAAPP discover proper AEF in interconnection 23.222 v0.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 38 KB
icon 23222_CR0099r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230296_was0150r2 solve CAPIF extensibility EN 23.222 v2.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 40,5 KB
icon 23222_CR0100r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230406_was S6-230155_rev2_API invoker clarification.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 32,3 KB
icon 23222_CR0101r1_(Rel-18)_S6-230407_was S6-230156_Modify a terminology for SNA.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 201,3 KB
icon 23222_CR0102r2_(Rel-18)_S6-230469_was S6-230366_rev2_was S6-230168-Rev3_CAPIF_New IE(Service KPI) in Service API publish request.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 39 KB
icon 23222_CR0103r2_(Rel-18)_S6-230458_was_S6-230349_was_S6-230275_SNAAPP-AEF-Discovery.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 37,2 KB
icon 23222_Rel-18_Clauses_affected_etc.docx 2023/02/13 19:53 14,1 KB

7 items.