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icon 2023/01/16 17:18 95 KB
icon S6-230036_Fused Location Funtionality CR - FirstNet and others - R2.docx 2023/01/17 14:55 135,1 KB
icon S6-230036_Fused Location Funtionality CR - FirstNet and others - R3.docx 2023/01/17 15:04 135,1 KB
icon S6-230036_Fused Location Funtionality CR - FirstNet and others - R4.docx 2023/01/18 14:05 105,6 KB
icon S6-230036_Rev1_Fused Location Funtionality CR - FirstNet and others.docx 2023/01/16 9:48 163,1 KB
icon S6-230036_rev1_Fused Location Funtionality CR.docx 2023/01/16 10:11 163,4 KB
icon S6-230099_Functinal model for location management update- FirstNet.docx 2023/01/12 15:23 129,7 KB
icon S6-230100_Rev1_Location profilling for fused location derivation.docx 2023/01/13 6:11 134,5 KB
icon S6-230100_Rev2_Location profilling for fused location derivation.docx 2023/01/18 10:19 188,9 KB
icon S6-230101_Rev1_location reporting configuration update.docx 2023/01/17 7:36 44,5 KB
icon S6-230102_Rev1_Location service registration.docx 2023/01/13 6:11 79 KB
icon S6-230102_Rev2_Location service registration.docx 2023/01/17 9:34 79,9 KB
icon S6-230103_Rev1_Procedure and information flow for Location QoS based location sources and positioning methods selection.docx 2023/01/13 6:11 99,6 KB
icon S6-230103_Rev2_Procedure and information flow for Location QoS based location sources and positioning methods selection.docx 2023/01/17 8:27 94,9 KB

14 items.