ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_046-e / Agreed_CRs_SA6_45-bis / 23289_Rel-18

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icon 23289_CR0004r2_(Rel-18)_S6-212469_was2424_was2327-MCOver5MBS-23289-MBS session release.docx 2021/11/06 2:31 62 KB
icon 23289_CR0007r1_(Rel-18)_S6-212426_was2330-MCOver5MBS-23289-MC service media distribution over 5G MBS.docx 2021/11/06 2:31 87,7 KB
icon 23289_CR0008r1_(Rel-18)_S6-212427_was2331-MCOver5MBS-23289-Call connect and disconnect over 5G MBS in MCPTT context.docx 2021/11/06 2:31 100 KB
icon 23289_CR0009r1_(Rel-18)_S6-212428_was2332-MCOver5MBS-23289-Call connect and disconnect over 5G MBS in MCVideo context.docx 2021/11/06 2:31 103,1 KB
icon 23289_CR0010r1_(Rel-18)_S6-212429_was2333-MCOver5MBS-23289-Service continuity between 5G MBS delivery and unicast delivery.docx 2021/11/06 2:31 86,9 KB
icon 23289_Rel-18_Clauses_affected_etc.docx 2021/11/06 2:31 13,6 KB

6 items.