ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_039-e / Inbox / Drafts / 08_4_FS_FFAPP

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icon S6-201408_Rev1-FS_FFAPP-Presentation-of-TR-23745-to-TSG-SA.doc 2020/09/03 2:31 40 KB
icon S6-201408_Rev2-FS_FFAPP-Presentation-of-TR-23745-to-TSG-SA.doc 2020/09/03 6:28 40 KB
icon S6-201410_Rev1-Device monitoring.doc 2020/09/03 7:34 84 KB
icon S6-201412_Rev1-Relationship between OPC UA and FF architecture.doc 2020/09/03 3:44 204 KB
icon S6-201421_Rev1-Support TSN in FF Application Enabler layer.doc 2020/09/03 7:06 100 KB
icon S6-201438_Rev1 pCR on key issue on constrained devices.doc 2020/09/02 19:26 57,5 KB
icon S6-201438_Rev2 pCR on key issue on constrained devices.doc 2020/09/03 14:35 58 KB
icon S6-201439_Rev1 Proposed deployment models for FFAPP.doc 2020/09/03 8:37 363 KB
icon S6-201439_Rev2 Proposed deployment models for FFAPP.doc 2020/09/03 14:45 363,5 KB
icon S6-201440_Rev1 Architecture requirements for TSC services.doc 2020/09/03 14:43 40,5 KB
icon S6-201505_Rev1-FS_FFAPP-Functional-model-update.doc 2020/09/02 22:03 392 KB
icon S6-201521_rev1 pCR ASP-provided traffic rules KI.doc 2020/09/02 22:58 70 KB

12 items.