ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_036_Christchurch / AGREED_CRs_SA6_35 / 23280

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icon 23280_Clauses_affected_etc.docx 2020/01/24 15:56 13 KB
icon 23280_CR0233r1_(Rel-17)_S6-200200 - was0127 - add temporary group teardown within a single MC system.docx 2020/01/24 15:56 448,8 KB
icon 23280_CR0236r1_(Rel-17)_S6-200206_S6-200188_CR_TS 23.280_requested priority description.docx 2020/01/24 15:56 36,7 KB

3 items.