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icon S6-200469_Rev1_pCR on MC user emergency state in IOPS.doc 2020/04/02 12:40 498,5 KB
icon S6-200469_Rev2_pCR on MC user emergency state in IOPS.doc 2020/04/02 17:51 495 KB
icon S6-200470_Rev1_pCR on Emergency private calls in IOPS.doc 2020/04/02 17:51 167,5 KB
icon S6-200470_Rev2_pCR on Emergency private calls in IOPS.doc 2020/04/03 13:38 163 KB
icon S6-200470_Rev3_pCR on Emergency private calls in IOPS.doc 2020/04/07 9:33 163,5 KB
icon S6-200471_Rev1_pCR on Emergency group calls in IOPS.doc 2020/04/02 17:51 202,5 KB
icon S6-200471_Rev2_pCR on Emergency group calls in IOPS.doc 2020/04/07 9:33 203,5 KB
icon S6-200472_Rev1_pCR on MCPTT group call release in IOPS.doc 2020/04/02 17:51 52,5 KB
icon S6-200472_Rev2_pCR on MCPTT group call release in IOPS.doc 2020/04/03 8:54 52,5 KB
icon S6-200483_Rev1_pCR_Clarifying the usage of IOPS MC Service IDs and IOPS MC Service Group IDs.doc 2020/04/02 3:48 45,5 KB
icon S6-200484_Rev1_pCR_Group connectivity information in IP Connectivity group notify request.doc 2020/04/02 3:53 99,5 KB

11 items.