ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_031_Bruges / AGREED_CRs_SA6_30 / 23222

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icon 23222_Clauses_affected_etc.docx 2019/04/24 20:48 13,2 KB
icon 23222_CR0058r1_(Rel-16)_S6-190782 was0596 - 23_222 CR0058 Clarification to routing rule of service API invocation.doc 2019/04/24 20:48 113 KB
icon 23222_CR0059r3_(Rel-16)_S6-190882 was853was695was597 - 23_222 CR0059 Functional model update with reference points.doc 2019/04/24 20:48 866,5 KB
icon 23222_CR0060r2_(Rel-16)_S6-190826 was0696was0598 - 23_222 CR0060 Update to Service API publish for CAPIF interconnection-v2.doc 2019/04/24 20:48 207 KB
icon 23222_CR0061r2_(Rel-16)_S6-190854 was0781was0599 - 23_222 CR0061 Serving area and domain of service API for CAPIF interconnection.doc 2019/04/24 20:48 64 KB
icon 23222_CR0062r1_(Rel-16)_S6-190783 was 0620 3rd party trust domain with network exposure and charging aspects of 3GPP systems.doc 2019/04/24 20:48 279,5 KB
icon 23222_CR0063r1_(Rel-16)_S6-190784 was 0621 Interface based representation of CAPIF architecture.doc 2019/04/24 20:48 423,5 KB

7 items.