ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / Informal_ConfCalls / 2023 / ICC_20231102_MCGWUE / inbox

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icon Gateway UE discussions rev1.pptx 2023/10/31 14:21 139,1 KB
icon MCGWUE way forward proposal.pptx 2023/11/02 2:40 119,9 KB
icon S6-23XXXX Discussion Introduction of new features for MC GW UE.pptx 2023/11/01 15:58 287,1 KB
icon S6-23xxx_1_MCGWUE_MCGWUE concepts and security .pptx 2023/11/01 10:02 91,6 KB

4 items.