ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / Informal_ConfCalls / 2023 / ICC_20230207_ADAES_NSCALE / inbox

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icon NSCALE Status and work plan.pptx 2023/02/07 10:37 133,8 KB
icon S6-230xxx_Generic data analytics procedures.doc 2023/02/06 22:34 292,5 KB
icon S6-23xxxx -DP on ADAES status and way forward.pptx 2023/02/06 12:39 229,3 KB
icon S6-23xxxx_LS on interface and exposure entities requirement for network slice management service.docx 2023/02/07 9:58 20,3 KB

4 items.