Document List for 3GPPSA3#53
List generated on : 2008-10-13 at 14:00:29 (GMT +01:00)

DOCUMENT: Draft Agenda for SA WG3 meeting #52
Doc.Name S3-081200 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: SA WG3 Chairman
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: Report from SA3#52
Doc.Name S3-081201 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: SA WG3 Secretary
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: Report from SA#41 Plenary
Doc.Name S3-081202 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: SA WG3 Chairman
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: Information for 3GPP SA3 about status and outlook on Prevent
ion of Unsolicited Communication (PUC) work in TISPAN
Doc.Name S3-081203 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TISPAN
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Service
Doc.Name S3-081204 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TISPAN
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: LS on Combination of SMC and Attach or TAU
Doc.Name S3-081205 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CT1
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: LS on Definition of Globally Unique Temporary UE Identity
Doc.Name S3-081206 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CT4
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: LS Response on Use of Public IMS identities in GBA Push
Doc.Name S3-081207 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CT4
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: Reply LS on SAE interworking with Pre-REL8 system
Doc.Name S3-081208 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CT4
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: TR 33.820 v1.0.0
Doc.Name S3-081209 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MCC
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: TR 33.922 v1.0.0
Doc.Name S3-081210 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MCC
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: TR 33.812 v1.0.0
Doc.Name S3-081211 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: MCC
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is not uploaded
DOCUMENT: Editorial corrections in Annex P3 and P.4.2
Doc.Name S3-081212 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia
Abstract: This CR is just a re-submission: it implements TD S3-081011 (agreed during SA3#5
2bis meeting) on the latest version of TS 33.203.
Late Contribution Date: 2008-11-03 16:00:00
The file is uploaded
13 Numbers Reserved... (0 Withdrawn)
With 0 Revisions   And   0 Addenda
Last Reservation/Withdrawal On '2008-10-13 at 14:57:53 (GMT +01:00)'

1 Files Uploaded (with Correct Filename)
Last Upload On '2008-10-13 at 14:00:21 (GMT +01:00)'