ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_154AHE_Electronic_2023-01 / INBOX / DRAFTS / UPEAS

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icon (test) S2-2300485_UPEAS_23501_general_r01.docx 2023/01/16 3:38 740 KB
icon draft_23700-62-120_rm.docx 2023/01/24 14:35 1707,8 KB
icon draft_S2-2301351_FS_UPEAS&UPEAS_status_report.pptx 2023/01/21 11:20 418,7 KB
icon UPEAS_sorting_baseline.doc 2023/01/13 10:39 423,5 KB
icon UPEAS_sorting_baseline_v1.doc 2023/01/13 11:22 428 KB

5 items.