2023/01/15 12:29
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Draft_23 501- S2-230XXX_KI#8_Nokia.docx
2023/01/05 16:31
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Draft_S2-230xxxx KI#4-5 CR vs. 23.501 - PDU Set QoS Framework_Qualcomm.doc
2023/01/06 23:32
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Draft_S2-230xxxx KI#4-5 CR vs. 23.503 - PDU Set QoS Framework_Qualcomm.doc
2023/01/06 23:32
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Draft_S2-230xxxx KI#8 CR vs. 23.501 - CDRX optimization_Qualcomm.doc
2023/01/06 23:32
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Draft_S2-230xxxx KI#8 CR vs. 23.502 - CDRX optimization_Qualcomm.doc
2023/01/06 23:32
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S2-220byyy - CR-TS 23.501 KI#4 Support of PDU Set handling_Huawei-v1.docx
2023/01/05 13:26
42,1 KB
S2-220byyy - CR-TS 23.503 KI#3 5GS Information Exposure_Huawei_v1.docx
2023/01/05 13:26
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S2-220byyy - CR-TS 23.503 KI#3 5GS Information Exposure_Huawei_v2.docx
2023/01/06 8:20
68,4 KB
S2-220byyy - CR-TS 23.503 KI#6 Support of ULDL transmission coordination to meet RT latency requirements_Huawei_v1.docx
2023/01/05 13:26
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2023/01/03 18:40
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2023/01/06 21:01
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2023/01/06 21:01
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S2-221xxxx XRM_KI#6_23.502_RT latency of XRM service -Xiaomi.docx
2023/01/09 6:50
327,6 KB
S2-221xxxx XRM_KI#6_23.503_RT latency of XRM service-Xiaomi.docx
2023/01/09 6:50
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S2-221xxxx XRM_KI#9_23.501_Add the descriptions for reference of KI6 and KI9-Xiaomi.docx
2023/01/09 6:50
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S2-221xxxx XRM_KI#9_23.502_Codec Information Provision to PCF-Xiaomi.docx
2023/01/09 6:50
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S2-221xxxx XRM_KI#9_23.503_Codec Information Provision to PCF-Xiaomi.docx
2023/01/09 6:50
42 KB
2023/01/03 12:05
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S2-22xxxxx 23.501_XRM_KI8_Ericsson.docx
2023/01/06 13:12
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2023/01/05 17:54
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2023/01/05 17:54
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S2-22xxxxx_key1&2 TS23.501 - China Mobile.docx
2023/01/03 12:07
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S2-22xxxxx_key1&2 TS23.501 - China Mobile_v3.docx
2023/01/06 9:18
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S2-2300xxx_KI4-5_23501 PDU Set identificationfor for different protocol_KDDI.docx
2023/01/09 10:02
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S2-2300xxx_KI4-5_23501 PDU Set identificationfor for different protocol_KDDI_r1.docx
2023/01/09 10:12
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S2-2300xxx_KI4-5_23501 PDU Set information provisioning_KDDI.docx
2023/01/09 10:03
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S2-2300xxx_KI4-5_23502 PDU Set information provisioning_KDDI.docx
2023/01/09 10:03
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2023/01/05 14:13
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2023/01/05 16:38
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S2-230XXXX_KI#3 501CR Exposure r1 vivo.docx
2023/01/09 2:11
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S2-230XXXX_KI#3 501CR Exposure vivo.docx
2023/01/07 7:55
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S2-230XXXX_KI#8 503CR_Power saving related r1 vivo.docx
2023/01/09 2:11
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S2-230XXXX_KI#8 503CR_Power saving related vivo.docx
2023/01/07 8:00
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S2-23xxxx 23.502_XRM_KI#6_OPPO.docx
2023/01/04 6:06
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S2-23xxxx 23501 PDU Set QoS_CATT.docx
2023/01/06 7:33
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2023/01/05 4:21
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2023/01/06 9:08
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2023/01/05 10:42
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S2-23XXXX-KI#7_jitter-23.503-China Mobile-v1.docx
2023/01/05 4:21
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S2-23XXXX-KI#7_jitter-23.503-China Mobile-v3.docx
2023/01/06 9:08
55,3 KB
S2-23xxxxx Draft LS on PDU Set Handling from RAN2 - CATT.docx
2023/01/06 7:33
33,3 KB
S2-23xxxxx General 501_Support of XR and Media Services_Tencent v3.docx
2023/01/03 12:42
45 KB
S2-23xxxxx General 501_Support of XR and Media Services_Tencent v4.docx
2023/01/04 3:48
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S2-23xxxxx General 501_Support of XR and Media Services_Tencent v5.docx
2023/01/04 6:49
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S2-23xxxxx General 501_Support of XR and Media Services_Tencent v6.docx
2023/01/06 1:26
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S2-23xxxxx-KI1&2-502 draft CR-ChinaTelecom-v1.doc
2023/01/06 14:03
299 KB
S2-23xxxxx-KI1&2-502 draft CR-ChinaTelecom.doc
2023/01/04 7:54
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S2-23xxxxx-KI3-501 draft CR- Tencent v6-MediaTek .docx
2023/01/05 10:49
42 KB
S2-23xxxxx-KI3-501 draft CR- Tencent v7-MediaTek+Samsung+LGE.docx
2023/01/09 5:17
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S2-23xxxxx-KI3-501 draft CR-Tencent v4.docx
2023/01/03 12:42
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S2-23xxxxx-KI3-501 draft CR-Tencent v5 - MediaTek+LGE.docx
2023/01/05 10:22
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S2-23xxxxx-KI3-501 draft CR-Tencent v5 - MediaTek.docx
2023/01/03 19:46
47 KB
2023/01/05 16:46
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2023/01/05 16:46
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2023/01/05 16:46
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2023/01/05 16:42
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2023/01/05 16:42
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2023/01/05 7:05
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2023/01/04 6:06
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