ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_154AHE_Electronic_2023-01 / INBOX / DRAFTS / FS_PIN / Draft CRs

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icon S2-220 vivo-[501-Annex] PIN and PIN session model.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 248,8 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[501-Annex] PIN architecture.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 106,3 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[501-Annex] PIN operations over application layer.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 44,3 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[501] PIN communication configuration.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 38,6 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[501] PIN data configuration.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 40,1 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[501] PIN identifiers.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 35,3 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[501] PIN subscription.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 34,3 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[502] AF influence traffic QoS and routing for PIN.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 63,3 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[502] PEGC-initiated traffic QoS and routing for PIN.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 148,9 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[502] PIN data configuration.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 172,2 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[502] PIN join.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 103 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[502] PIN related data in UDM and UDR.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 68 KB
icon S2-220 vivo-[503] PIN Routing Selection Policy.docx 2023/01/05 9:21 42,3 KB

13 items.