ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_154AHE_Electronic_2023-01 / INBOX / DRAFTS / AMP

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icon HW-AMP S2-220byyy - CR Removing ENs on PCF awareness of IWK 501.docx 2023/01/04 12:18 57,9 KB
icon HW-AMP S2-220byyy - CR Removing ENs on PCF awareness of IWK.docx 2023/01/04 12:18 64,2 KB
icon S2-230xxxx_23501CRxxxx_AMP.docx 2023/01/03 11:53 47,2 KB
icon S2-230xxxx_23501_AMP_AMF behaviour when it receives RFSP in use validity time from MME.docx 2023/01/03 9:59 42,6 KB
icon S2-230xxxx_23502_AMP_AM Policy information desciription update.docx 2023/01/03 9:59 49,6 KB
icon S2-230xxxx_23502_AMP_AMF behaviour when it receives RFSP in use validity time from MME.docx 2023/01/03 9:59 44,8 KB
icon S2-230xxxx_23503CR0xxx_AMP.docx 2023/01/03 11:53 43,5 KB

7 items.