ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_sa / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_154AHE_Electronic_2023-01 / INBOX / DRAFTS / AIMLsys / Work Planning

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icon Dec#154AHe CC Meeting Notes - Proposed Normative implementation Structures for TSs final.docx 2022/12/14 15:16 78,4 KB
icon S2-22xxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative implementation Structures for TSs r01.docx 2022/12/09 2:06 68,3 KB
icon S2-22xxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative implementation Structures for TSs r02(NK).docx 2022/12/09 5:59 69,7 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - consolidated v1.docx 2022/12/21 9:07 68,1 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - consolidated v2.docx 2022/12/21 10:35 84,6 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - consolidated v3.docx 2022/12/22 7:23 68,7 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - consolidated v4.docx 2022/12/26 3:34 68,5 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - consolidated v5.docx 2022/12/26 5:49 70,1 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - consolidated v6.docx 2022/12/26 10:55 68,3 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - consolidated v7.docx 2022/12/26 15:24 70 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - consolidated v8.docx 2022/12/27 0:24 69,1 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - consolidated v9.docx 2023/01/08 14:31 70,5 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - revised + MediaTek.docx 2022/12/20 11:27 64,4 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - revised - ETRI.docx 2022/12/21 1:51 63,9 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - revised - Google.docx 2022/12/20 6:57 64,7 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - revised - LGE.docx 2022/12/20 5:27 63,2 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - revised - OPPO.docx 2022/12/14 15:59 64,6 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - revised - Samsung.docx 2022/12/14 17:22 63,5 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - revised- DoCoMo.docx 2022/12/20 10:17 64,8 KB
icon S2-22xxxxx AIMLsys - Proposed Normative Implementation Structures for TSs - revised.docx 2022/12/14 15:35 64,6 KB

20 items.